Saturday, May 8, 2021

5.8.21 Mark update

The big day came and went to move from soft wrap cast to open boot. Mark at the end with the new huge boot. 
Waiting for xrays leg fully exposed for the first time in two weeks. 
We found as they removed tehe dressing that essentially the leg had been wrapped in two quilts worth of batting. 

He had about 20 stitches holding it all together. 
The stitches. There were so many it was not pleasant getting them removed. 

We were so impressed to see the small bone almost completely knit together. The staff was surprised that so much healing had taken place. We were not. There have been so many prayers offered and so many herbs taken of course it was healing nicely. 
Mark was still able to take some time on the tractor. 5 hours is his max and it took some adjustments without the super soft supportive cast. These two are quite the pair. They hate pictures but I told them I'm sick of only have back pictures so grin and bear it. I love their drive, wisdom, get it done abilities. 
He mostly resides here presumably working on school that NEVER ends. I think he watches a lot of youtube and movies. 
The scab a few weeks ago. 

Healing a wound this big just takes time. That's a lot of skin to grow. So he rests and hydrates and waits. The scab has began falling off and the new pink skin is whole. 

 I'm thankful he has healed so well. I'm thankful he has cared so lovingly for Man. Im super thankful he was able to give me a break in the tractor. I found that I didn't love tractor driving as much as I remembered because I felt like I needed to be with my kids in the house. However, I stuck it out and we got the ground covered for now. Mark has been very validated as we have all strained under the load of trying to do all he did. 

Mark teaching me how to drive the trac and disk. There have been so many moments with my kids in the past month of them teaching me and spending one on one time with them. That has been a blessing. I'm thankful for the skills and happiness. I'm blessed to get to know them in a different light. 


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