Wednesday, May 12, 2021

5.12.21 Trade- offs

One of the major perks of farming is having dad around more. It's been a major win for the kids to have less mom time but more dad time. He is patient and takes them on almost any job he does. We are working to teach them to wear hats. Their sunburned cheeks show they are about 50% compliant. But they sure are cuteys. 

Merle Man is happiest with dad these days. He snuggles into dad and won't look at me if dad is holding him. He is happiest when outside and included in the goings on out there. He is not a happy kid in the house. Thankfully Livy is happy to include him outside in their play. 
In all that play sometimes there are accidents. Bruce stepped on some metal and cut his foot. Because he was due for his school boosters I took him to the doctor to get those shots. He was very worried about getting the COVID shot. I told him repeatedly they would not be giving him a COVID shot. He was pretty nervous as proved by his blood pressure numbers. 

I climbed up to sit with him and we discussed the paintings on the wall. He is a very observative kid. He did so well and will not get tetanus any time soon. We are blessed by many great inventions and new ways of living. Keeping the right perspective is the key. Life is good. 

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