Friday, May 7, 2021

5.7.21 Together

For many years we have had to divide and conquer. There has been so much that had to be done we had to apply our talents where needed to get as many bases covered as we could. A major benefit to farming this year has been being together. For better or worse we have had a lot more time interacting with each other and our children. About half is awesome and half is heated. This night we were working to get the pivots started for their first trip around the field. 
Earlier in the day I had heard a commercial about a couple four wheeling and thought why don't we do fun things? well this evening we rode the four wheeler back and forth between pivots and around the newly disked fields to check soil conditions. I drove because I hate getting dusted in the back. It was nice to be together. Our first four wheeling date!
A few weeks later Greg took me and the little kids to pick up some heifers he bought. Last time we were together he had wanted to get lunch but it seemed so expensive I kyboshed the idea and we went home hungry and made food there. I felt bad for a few days for being a spoil sport and a really bad date. I get food when I'm hungry in town I shouldn't have fussed when he wanted to.  So this time when he asked about lunch I just waited with the kids while he went and ordered. 
The interesting thing when dad buys is there is always ice cream! He got full meals for all of us- I only buy burgers ever. And a chocolate milkshake to wash it all down. 
It's always a challenge to learn to work together, but it is worth it. I'm so thankful for this eternal companion of mine who always says- "I'm not going to quit that easy." How grateful I am for his deep commitment and very nature of stubbornness. While we clash heads often with difference of opinions and priorities, I'm thankful we both forgive and continue moving on. 

When I was in my dating years my dad would often tell me the importance of being equally yoked with a companion, someone who believed similar and would have similar priorities. I'm thankful for Greg's all around strength and solidness. He drags me along and helps me move the heavy load we have chosen to carry, with yummy ice cream I wouldn't buy! I am blessed. 


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