Monday, May 31, 2021

5.31.21 Prom

I'm trying to rewind a very full and emotional month. Looking back I see so many firsts, lasts, highs and lows. This event was a mixture of both. First prom for Aliza, custom dress, tall gentlemanly date. Last  school date for Harold his date was kind and modest. I watched and waited from a hospital room in Boise. I was so thankful for the many many hands that helped the night be a beautiful success. 
Grandma Saunders worked her sewing magic to make this lovely dress for Aliza. Aunt Alena crafted the sleeves, hair and makeup. I watched via zoom and offered pointers on the make-up. Harold I just waited and waited for any word. 
I was home for a fitting a few nights before. I also got to go with them last minute to the fabric store to help choose the pattern and color combination. My dear mother had spent a long day going to every imaginable pre-made dress store in the Boise Valley. There was absolutely nothing in her size or modesty preference. Thus the need to make a dress. 

On the night of the dance after hundreds of texts working to craft a fun comfortable date the actual execution I mean action of the date occured. Thanks to all the prepping and planning the date was delightful. 

The friend, Maddie Mulvany, her mom send pictures as I was in Boise. I was so thankful for her expert skills. 
Harold sent these the next day. 

Harold was set up by the young lady on the right with her good friend. She planned a perfect evening dinner at Tuscano's in Boise then the dance. The group had a great time. He even went and bought his own suit for the occasion. 

I spent many evenings walking this hall trying to get some energy out while wondering how things were going at home.  

Mark and I after one of his surgeries waiting on phone calls and time to heal. 
We are thankful for all who made the nights memorable and who help our family at every turn. We are blessed. 

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