Wednesday, May 5, 2021

5.9.21 Pigs and Kids

In preparation for the upcoming fair the kids had to submit their pig pictures. Who would have imagined we would be so friendly with pigs?? They are surprisingly friendly reasonable to work with. 

The kids also had a fun activity days where they launched bottle rockets. We have some great activity days. It has been very eye opening to work with the kids and to enjoy learning with them. I have great co-leaders. 

Millie making cookies. Bruce waiting hopeful for some cookies. 
These super cute girls getting ready to go to the farm with dad. 

A favorite co pilot in the trac. 
Reed the go to for all things farm with Mark down. He was helping me fuel up the tractor. 

 The work never stops and I'm thankful for their commitment to being part of the team. They are my pride and joy! 

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