Tuesday, September 21, 2021

9.21.21 Cross Country Lady

Addie decided to try something new this school year. She is running cross country. She loves to compete and to challenge herself in new and hard ways. This year it's the grueling sport of running all terrains in all kinds of weather. She excels at hard things. She is great at pushing herself and working hard, this has been a great fit for her. While we miss hearing her play the piano this is a new piece of her falling into place. Added bonus of sports is the team aspect. There's not a lot of teamwork in piano playing. 
A few years ago she earnestly told me she wanted to win something. I told her I wasn't sure how to make that happen but that eventually she would win somehow. Fast forward to last week and Addie won the meet in Nyssa. She was the lone runner in front for the entire race. Her teammate fought hard and was gaining ground in the last few steps but Addie was the overall victor. I was crying as I walked away from the race for all work she had put in to make this a reality. I was also crying for the kids who were just finishing who were so mentally defeated running is a hard gig. I may have been crying because my eye was pretty infected and inflamed as well. Anyway I was thankful to be there to witness the accomplishment of one of her goals. 
Always making life better is sharing with your sibling. Aliza is a great support and calming influence on all her siblings. She is the team manager. Love that they can share some of this experience. 
She was literally all alone in the front. I thought the race was over at this point but no they had another lap to go. Again mental challenge to complete the course then have to do it again. One thing about this course is it was all flat and hot! The other two she has ran were up in the mountains with the pine trees and mud. 

 Life is good! We are blessed with opportunities and abilities. The finish she has an amazing long stride, it was so fun to watch squinting through my infected eyes. For this race top three were from her team. Addie has been the top finisher from her team at all the races so far, and she's getting faster ten or 30 seconds at a time. 

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