Friday, September 24, 2021

9.24.21 Corn Harvest Begins

Ahh harvest time. Yet again pitting oneself again the elements and reality of time to secure payment for all the hours of work completed previously. It was indeed a good sight to see Mark in the tractor driving the beloved grain cart to fill trucks. It was great to remember msotly how to drive trucks and to get in the groove. Gradually. 

Bruce and Lia love to ride and ride. They are happy campers in the seat next to Greg. 

After a day of rolling through the corn, I had gone in for the night and Greg took the last load of the day. I'm so glad this was him and not me. I got a text a while later saying bring shovels, buckets, and kids the belt broke. Oh ominous words. The trucks are always very loaded and late at night you are naturally tired from the day. This is a huge project! I remembered from my own experience having to shovel off corn to get the belt to move last year on the last load.  I got the not excited boys moving, we found the requested items, and headed to the pit. 

John wondered if Greg was just talking waiting for us, I told him of course not that Greg was working the entire time he waited. He is strong. We got there and the boys jumped in and started making the corn fly. The truck was about half full at this point.

Some over the side some out the back. The feedlot owner had used the large bucket loader to swipe the top level off the side and then Greg had been shoveling until we got there. 

Merle does not like being left at home when mom is gone, so we took him along. He wasn't sure what was going on and mostly just wanted to be with his dad but it was quite a show to watch. 

How thankful we were to have a strong crew to come help shovel the corn. The project was compelte half an hour after we got there. We packed up and went home. Another day in the books. 20.5 loads later the first field is harvested. Now to build wire fences and prepare for the cows to come. The work never stops but at least we are in it together. We are truly blessed!


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