Wednesday, September 22, 2021

9.22.21 Days go by

Summer is winding down and we continue to feast. For dad that looks like an octupus his lap is full of hungry eaters when he is here. They love to be close to their dad. It's amazing they all get enough in the process. Merle is quite the eater and takes his fair share. 
For the first time ever my family dug beets in September. Anna is driving truck for my dad and brother. This pile is from my brothers field alone. That's a lot of beets delivered. 
These two get more and more interactive. Here they were pretending to go to bed. Why do kids like to pretend they are sleeping? They don't like to do it as a general rule. It's fun watching them play and get to know each other as friends. Although now I'm anxious for Man to speak instead of screaming his displeasure. He has a piercing screech that is particularly bothersome. 
We were blessed to get potatoes from a local farmer. They dig all night and we were fortunate to get some of the last potatoes they dug for the year. 
Afton has a lot of ground to cover in first grade this year. She is a diligent learner and likes to practice what she needs to know for school. 
His first time in jeans. He looked so grown up. He's sure changing a lot right now. 
We have been very thankful for Aunt Alena and Uncle Bryce sharing produce from their garden. Reed was very busy this year keeping the farm going and really missed the garden time. his eyes still light up when he brings the harvest home no matter the gardener. 
Man was so excited to see that he too could look over the ledge to watch what I'm cooking. Oh these two are going to be such a handful for the next few years. 
Afton is really developing as well. The independence required to attend school has really made her grow! She was ready and eager. It's an exciting process and one that requires lots of energy, thankfully she has zest to spare. 
Loving recycling clothes on this cute guy. These were Harold's long long ago. 
Addie sure takes great pictures. We are thankful for her talents capturing the kids and family members at events. 
Addie continues to change the dynamic of our home. Here she is leading group calisthenics with the younger crew. They look forward to her time and direction. We are on a new trajectory right now. Less sugar more exercise. Not bad changes. They are doing crunches.
Leg lifts with arm extensions. 
Life is moving fast we are blessed!

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