Tuesday, September 7, 2021

9.7.21 Staying home

 This weekend we had to stay home from the annual family reunion. There were sad hearts and tummies as we knew there would be some pretty spectacular food. On Sunday we decided we didn't have to miss out we too could enjoy donuts. With many hands make light work. 

Reed was frustrated we made so many that we couldn't eat them all at one sitting. We saved the extras and enjoyed them the next day. There really is no such thing as too many donuts. next time we will share as I'm confident we can do this again at least while the weather is warm. 
We've also been feasting of sweet corn. I think we live kinda like bears. Eating a lot in this fall season and storing lots to be used in the cold dark months of winter. Surprisingly this guy has figured out to get some corn off the cob. He is very short on teeth but manages, maybe just the power of example that everyone else is going to town on ear after ear. 
And because we were home with some unplanned for time I requested some long waited for projects to be completed. I talked about the chickens yesterday, well the other project was repairing the shower valve. Not so easy as YouTube made it look. I think Greg is very thankful he is a mechanic not a plumber. Merle was adamant about being right with dad. 

He's very patient with the young ones the are very much in love with their dad. Life is good and we are blessed even in our trials. 

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