Friday, September 24, 2021

9.24.21 Nurturing

We have the older's and the youngers here. The kids who are out in public and busy living lives and the younger ones who stay home a lot and are just growing up. Anna and Mark join me for football games. John was super thrilled to be in pictures with us. They are all friends just not so huggy touchy etc. Addie was just returning from a long trip up in the mountains for her first cross country race., she was ready to go home.  Oh my big kids love them so, they are still clowns sometimes. 

The one that is away in his first zone conference. He is learning a lot, I am learning a lot and finding we didn't teach him enough. So we work on it now from a distance. Always so many lessons to teach. 

A quick photo before the first meet. I love that she is socializing. After the isolation and resultant challenges that came from that this is indeed medicine to the soul. 

We are blessed and busy. I would have it no other way. Here comes the corn harvest so we shift gears again and try to cover bases and needs. A mother's work is never done is sure ringing true right now. Life is good.  

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