Thursday, September 23, 2021

9.23.21 Sharing Flowers

Life gets very tedious. Very much the same day after day. Sometimes we take a quick break and go do something different. A few Saturdays ago we ran away to a flower farm to pick some flowers and share some love with friends. The kids had a great time admiring the blossoms. 

We shared with single women who are divorced or widowed. It was delightful to make people smile and show them we care. The kids did so well with the flowers. Addie of course caught the experience. 

Addie with her bouquet she made at school earlier in the week. 

 I'm thankful for quick breaks from the norm. I'm thankful for my vibrant family and for their happiness. I am surrounded by people who need me and keep me on my toes mentally and physically. I'm thankful for kind friends who support our family and love my children. I'm thankful for the service they have given and for the friends they are. Life is good!

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