Wednesday, September 8, 2021

9.8.21 Friday Night Lights again

 The beautiful fall weather, a crowd of fans, youthful energy on the field and the excitement of cheering my sons on, football season is upon us again. So I try to spruce up a bit find something black to wear and go to watch and hope my son does not get injured in the contest. Last week was Parma. They had a lively student section and lovely band. It was standing room only for the visitors side so I got a super great seat right by the endzone on the track about 10 feet away from the action. John is number 64. 

John had a really great game. He played all four quarters because 7 of the seniors were still in quarantine. I was impressed with the deep empathy he displayed for teammates. I was elated to see a single handed tackle right at my sideline. It was a shut out. Vale 25- Parma 0. 

Several of the moms watch the fame through the lense of their camera. I'm thankful for their talents and sharing the game. It's fun to look back at moments I probably missed, like this shot at the chin. 

At the end victorious and tired. It was a long haul and John played well even refusing to get in a fight with the opposing team at the end. It's great to watch him grow and gain confidence. The marked change that teamwork and proven ability has given him is heartwarming. Now on to the next contest. Bruises will be healed resolve will he sharpened and we hope another injury free experience will happen. 
The night before when JV played John did not come out of the locker room with the rest of the team. Then the paramedics I was sitting by received a call and several of them left the stands. I was still anxiously watching the locker room for John to emerge. The ambulance pulled up and I hurried from the stands to see what was going on. I was joined by another dad who's son had also not returned. His son has a history of concussions and his worry was real. John has not been injured to date but you never know. I entered the locker room and saw John getting dressed and getting his gear together. He told me his teammate was having trouble.  I was sad for that family but relieved. I returned to the stand and helped the grandma exit so she could be in place to give the support the family needed. I waved to the crying mom and said a prayer in my heart for them. Thankfully the problem resolved itself and the player was able to go home that night and the doctors got some good data to work with for diagnosis. After all the recovery with Mark I am thankful everyday for the healthy life we live. We are truly blessed. 

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