Friday, December 10, 2021

12.10.21 Snow Prayers

We all prayed and some fasted for snow this past weekend. We were delighted when it accumulated on Monday. So much snow that snow things could be made. The temperature was perfect! The kids were in heaven, I thought it beautiful and was so grateful for the quick answer to our petition to God. 

Until we went to water and it was cold and a little slick especially this tricky spot. And then I realized, blessings are sometimes not all good warm fuzzy feelings.
I was so thankful that we had spread fertilizer the week before. I was thankful it was able to all get worked in. I was so thankful Greg was around because we were soon herding cows because the snow covered their feed and their hoofs tromped it into the mud. 
Yes we have put this guy to work on the tractor. This time with no open wound I'm confident it wasn't bad for him. Really he needs to get outside some more. He worked and worked and got the fertilzer covered with soil, I sure hope that's a good idea. 
While the older half battled the cows, the younger ones played and played and played. Those hands are covered in socks. We have a lot of socks in our house, they put them to use when one pair would get too wet to be of use they would throw them off and get a few more dry socks out of the heaping basket. 

Can you see the snowballs flying?? They had so much fun Livy and Bruce let loose with good aim and made contact with each other a few times. Millie would run half way there then throw, Afton didn't hit anything but threw. Lia as the little sister of course stood in the middle as a target just watching. She didn't get hit I don't think. 
These two were thrilled to play the next day too. They were smart and found snow clothes. I'm so thankful for all the many hand-me downs people share with us. I would never buy snow stuff it happens so rarely here, but it's nice to pull it out of a box when the opportunity arises. 
Bruce thought he was so tricky to pull his bib overalls over his shorts. Then just wear his shorts at home. He has taken to giving piggy back rides to Merle Man. Merle of course loves it, he was bummed not to go in the snow but I can't find two of any of his shoes and he doesn't have snow boots so inside was best for him. 
At school Reed and classmates made a fort. 
Bruce getting ready for some serious fun. 
And the opposition in all things part rounding up the 300 cows everyday this week. They found a weak spot in the fence and decided hay was a lot tastier than cornstalks. So everyday for an hour or more we would herd thme back in. 

 I helped a few times. I've never been one to be fast on snow or do enjoy cookies or spins. While herding cows to get them to move and to head off break-aways those are required moves. I can see why people like it. I kept thinking I shouldn't be out here, but it was fun I can see why my boys do those things. And I didn't feel so bad for them herding cows is a perfect excuse to go fast to be agile and to enjoy the abilities of the machines. There are good parts to the hard and there is always a hard part to the good. The scripture that rings in my mind these days is there must needs be opposition in ALL things. Yep everything. While discouraging, I'm learning that giving up is not an option you just keep going and working on solutions until one finally works. Yesterday Addie and MArk took a good look at the fence these cows kept crossing and found part of it was wired wrong. Since their repair the cows are in. I don't fence I would have been no help.

 I watched anxiously all afternoon today wondering if the cows would breech the fence but they didn't and we had one day of not chasing them. They leave Friday at least a major portion of them. I'm not sorry to see them go. I'm ready to move on. We've had long daily chore requirements since September, it's time for a break. The next herds won't be far behind thankfully. It has been comforting to work with my children and admire their skill and teamwork. It's honestly been fun to do some of what they do. Life is good. 

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