Thursday, December 9, 2021

12.9.21 Youth development

There's a concentrated discussion this past month about the children and youth program. A desire to refocus energy and attention to teaching and encouraging our kids to set goals, make progress, and reflect on growth. Sometimes this is discouraging and sometimes I think we got this! Livy and Millie showing their most recent pictures. 

A sweet picture sent from a member Harold was having dinner with. The Santa was the man of the house who was preparing to go spread some Christmas cheer with members of his ward. 
Anna sent a pictures of an entry in the horse parade she got to witness. They are both learning and experiencing so much. 
At home we had our monthly testimony meeting. It was boisterous as always but I was thankful Livy insisted we do this again, we had slacked off. Sharing of testimony is an important skill to learn. Saying out loud what you believe helps cement ideas and thoughts.  At this point of parenting I'm on auto pilot trying to fulfill the traditions we have set years ago- if the kids remember or if I think it is important enough. 
At a meeting with Elder Stevenson they listed short term and long term benchmarks of success with the children's and youth program: 

            Short Term

                                -Recommends- all youth can have recommends
                                -Ministering—Just means ask questions invite them to reach out
                                -Participate in Family History
                Long Term
                                -Advance in the Melchezidic Priesthood
We are all working towards and checking off those items. It's hard and requires much more patience than I often possess. We all live different lives curses and blessings to facebook for showing other people's way of living. We are fine and this is ours so I try to love it and search for satisfaction in our reality. Writing here always reminds me it is far better than I fear and to keep on keeping on. Life is good. 


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