Friday, December 31, 2021

12.31.21 Into a New Year- Keeping On Keeping on

Our prayers have been answered. We have cold to kill the bugs, snow to fill the reservoirs, and the best part this amazing crew is here to keep life going. They are tough, resourceful and well aware of their role and responsibilities. We are so thankful for Carhart and Bogs even in the bitter cold you can tolerate long stretches outside when properly layered. 

The inside crew are also learning their parts and places. I'm thankful for the mostly happy noises from the kids at home. There's plenty of crying and fighting over one toy in 30 but mostly they enjoy each other and do funny things like share one hashbrown. 

Harold sent socks for Christmas they are very comfortable. 

The boys taught Merle how he can share his new truck. Even though he had been sick this day he took many turns pushing Lia around the room. With extra energy at the end of the day because they are mostly house bound running trucks has long been a final wind down in the winter months. 

Addie's been puzzling she's pretty good at it. Merle is equally good at breaking them. Livy has been painting a lot. Millie is reading. Afton plays horses. Bruce is sporting a new scrape on his lip from crashing trucks with Reed, it can been a pretty dangerous game if not careful. 

This made my heart so happy to see my oldest two together. It was so good to hear them both interact and to listen to their stories and advice to each other. I'm so blessed to be the mom. 

 Life has not been easy this week pinched nerves have made my days very painful but when I watch my kids when they aren't biting and fighting with each other I'm so thankful for the choice to add each one to our group. It's not easy to manage all the needs and to be intentional teaching them all but it's a blessing for sure. Watching the oldest two grow, develop, and show us who they are has been awesome. As the other's come along I'm equally impressed and humbled with who they are. We work to become better parents and yet hold the line on important lessons and boundaries that make for indepdendent, respectful people. So into a New Year we go same ol' same ol' yet so thankful this is our life and while we struggle with many things we are in it together. We work to forgive and improve and we strive to love and hold tight to that which is most important, each other though with less teeth and more hands would be a big improvement! Ahh kids - always interesting how they interpret life. 

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