Saturday, December 11, 2021

12.11.21 Health and Sickness

We've had a December of sickness. Different kids on different days showing symptoms. Pre- Covid this was nothing out of the normal decreased sun exposure, coldness, tired, germs in general we got sick. But we pushed through and continued to do what had to be done. Sickness was not an excuse to miss life. Now in Post or during COVID any symptom is a requirement to hunker down at home alone doing nothing but resting, waiting, and waiting. Not here. Life still goes on. So we heaped on the vitamins, oils, supplements, even some nasal rinsing and waited for better while continuing with the have to's. 
Merle got the worst of it being a COVID baby he has little exposure to germs so he's in for a lot of immune building in the next few years. Sometimes he was soothed going for a ride. One of Mark's responsibilities is to change Merle he puts him on the cart and takes him to the bathroom for the procedure. Usually Merle likes the rides, lately though he's just generally miserable. I finally looked in his mouth and found 4 teeth working on coming through. Since they have erupted he's doing a lot better. 

I'm very pleased with how Mark's leg has healed it looks so good. The shape is coming down, the compression socks have made a huge difference in the blood capacity and movement thus aiding in healing, size, and general health of the leg. I'm so thankful for easy fixes. This year I have learned to differentiate between hard fixes and easy fixes. We are thankful for the easier options! 

 And some of the cute things happening at school. I appreciate their work to make school enjoyable even with all the rules, worries, and oversight being pushed on their days. Santa is a much anticipated guest these days. While we aren't big Santa believers we aren't opposed to excitement and childhood dreams. Afton is blessed to have a small class and a creative teacher. 

Life rolls on the days pass full of responsibility and needs. I love holding sleeping children I too nod off with them most times. I'm thankful for the happiness that mostly fills my home. We are blessed. 

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