Tuesday, December 7, 2021

12.7.21 Thanksgiving Recap

Thanksgiving was a great day full of activity, fun, and family. We are thankful for all that put so much time into making memories and traditions happen. We started with a turkey trot. Addie placed first, John second, and Reed third. Uncle Justin provided the disc medals. 
Some cousins came as well. It was an invigorating start to the day. Even mark hopped along. He did a full mile on crutches. 

This pick-up wagon came in last complete with vigorous and voluminous singing. These little ones have a great time being together. 

We meandered home, visiting with family. It was delightful to just relax and take time to do what we wanted to not rushed by kids or clocks.  Finally, we got home and loaded up to go to the church for the large family party. It has been good practice to have some activities prepared for the children. Playdoh is always a hit. Thus we made 5 batches the day before and provided utensils, cookie cutters, space, few moms and let the kids play. 
Dad's visiting. 
Some family cooking. 
Some bigger guys working up an appetite. 
Another activity was puzzles. Another child started this, I asked Aunt Gwen for assistance she divulged after saying yes she would help, she doens't like puzzles! I told her I didn't either that's why I asked for help. She was a trooper though along with some very skilled puzzlers these two in particular who helped put the pieces together. 
Finally we eat! The heat was lacking in the church and we were not only hungry but slightly cold. 

Addie did her usual picture taking. 

There was lots of food and lots of eaters. There weren't many left overs this year. 

The kids love aunt Gwen. She always brings books and tries to read some of her special stories each day to those that are around.

Likewise it's a delight to spend time with cousins. Livy and Emilyn are close in age and even closer in personality. Emilyn went and watered with us everyday. She is a worker and dreamer. These two live for when they can be together. 

Aliza and KAradyn are similar true companions. Karadyn is a delight to be around. We hope these two can share some college life experiences next year. 
John and Nathan waiting for food. The young men went last as true gentlemen in training. 

John just looked so big, and Merle looking up to him may someday be just this size. It's awesome how fast they grow. 

Mark loves to visit and learn. We had a token guest, a neighbor who is usualyl alone for thanksgiving as his wife has been gone to California to see grandkids these past few years. He's a friend and teasing neighbor. 

Back at home all the kids that could squeeze into Grandpa's side by side, it holds a lot in the front and more in the back. 

And from our sweet missionary. It was a surprise to talk to both of them on Thanksgiving day. Harold was filled to the brim. People are sure generous and concerned for the missionaries. 

 His zone hosted a friends giving. He said it was enjoyable and filling he was just caught at an awkward moment. 

We sure love our missionaries and all the times we get to see them and hear about their experiences. Life is good and we are thankful for the many many ways we are blessed. 

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