Wednesday, December 15, 2021

12.15.21 New photographer

Bruce loves to take pictures. I find hundreds of funny shots like these on my phone all the time. They aren't perfect but they are in the moment and they catch the personalities of these kiddos. 

He even takes pictures of me. I was busy putting together some pies for friends for Christmas. 
He caught me greeting Man when I got home from church. Merle definitely missed his mom when I'm gone. 

This week we are studying the proclamtion on the family. The first suggestion is that successful families are built on the doctrine of Christ. Being that it's Christmas time this is a no brainer. We are teaching and talking about Christ daily- or we try to. Years ago I had a girls come to my primary class who had never heard of Mary and Joseph being the parents to Jesus Christ on earth. I was shocked! But it is becoming a lost part of Christmas. I'm thankful for the time to teach my children. I'm thankful for the hope, comfort, and peace that doctrine provides. I love the gift of the Atonement and the strength that comes from repentance and covenants. On this the day of our family beginning I can hardly believe how far we have come, how fast it has passed, and where we are headed. We are blessed!  

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