Sunday, December 18, 2022

12.18.22 Picture a Christmas Nativity

Last Christmas the teenagers put on the nativity. The primary kids sang songs but were mostly not involved. They were very sad. This year there was no talk of a nativity. The primary kids asked if they could put it on. I asked and we were given the ok. I was so impressed with their desire to put on the show and their enthusiasm for Christmas. After dinner we raced upstairs to no costumes. We found them in another room and then started dressing the kids. I had the help of four lovely talented young women. The kids went with their leader and waited for their turn. 
Aliza started reading, our dedicated pianist set the tone and we went through the Christmas story. 
The shepherds waiting, the angels coming to tell them the good news. 
The whole crew on stage seeing the baby Jesus and picturing Christmas. 
The wise men showed up gifts in hand to celebrate JEsus. 
Then Santa showed up. I was talking with a friend and missed this, but was thankful for the pictures friends provided. 

The spirit was thick and the kids did a great job. After a day spent sitting nurturing my own little one pondering on how to pull this together I was last minute last ditch effort. As always I was so thankful the spirit accompanies the children and their efforts. I'm thankful for families who participated and made the time to come. It was our smallest party ever, with about 50 people max in attendance. But The sweet moments with the young women directing the kids, and watching the kids act out the classic story it was fine. 
I was released today so this was my last work as president. It's bittersweet to move on. I truly enjoyed the kids and counselors part of my calling. The constant struggle to have enough teachers and how to meet the program requirements was hard but it worked out with many volunteers. I'm thankful for the time with my kids and watching the profoundly talented musical people. It was good. So now we move on to the next thing whatever that will be. Life is good as is change. The next presidency will be great they are a powerful team of women with abundant talents. 

Saturday, December 17, 2022

12.18.22 Sick Days and Crying Babies

Some day I will be all alone all day and miss the time spent snuggling little bodies. This week I got my fill and then some. Even though we are all on amoxicillan we got a secondary something. The little ones were sad and wanted to be held and slept extra all week.

When they weren't asleep they were often doing this. Crying and crying. I really don't like listening to crying kids.

I was trying to get a cute picture of her for grandparents. She was not a fan. 
The kids took baths put on non-stained clothes and smiled a bit, but alas we didn't get the right shots because of the sad littlest one above. 
I gave her a dose of tylenol- that John had bought a few weeks ago. This is a good thing because it can not be found lately. There are so many kids sick with the influenza and have fevers lasting over a week. I'm thankful for my stockpile. I'm not sharing because we just keep getting something new every few days. 

For activity days the kids helped fill the Santa candy bags. This was a new service the kids had a great time, and the adults were shown kids can do a lot given the opportunity and structure. I have loved being involvced with the kids at activitiy days. 

This was a very delicate shot. Andrea had  cried for two hours prior to sleeping. Held or not she cried. Not whimpers but all out crying. So when she finally went to sleep I didn't want to wake her up. 3 hours in of holding these two I snapped a shot. Aliza was out Christmas shopping for me with Livy and Millie. The other kids were around but playing quietly. Thankfully when she woke up she was happier and no more fever. 

She thought she was so big to get in this precarious perch. Thankfully we got her down before she fell down and started crying again. 

 And my two boys enjoying a blanket and a book. I love the idea of more reading in December when it always seems to be dark. I've been working to go to the library weekly to get new books. The kids love picture books all the kids. It's sweet to me to see them sharing that love with the younger kids. 

We endured and hopefully will be well until after Christmas. We are blessed. 

Monday, December 12, 2022

12.12.22 Normal days

 A few weeks ago I read this quote about normal days from the author Tina Lewis Roe:

    "A normal day! Holding it in my hand one last moment, I have come to see it not as more than an ordinary rock. It is a gem, a jewel. ...In times of sickness and pain people have buried their faces in their pillows and wept for this. Normal day let me be aware of the treasure you are. Let me not pass by you in quest of some perfect tomorrow. Let me hold you while I may, for it will not always be so."

Tonight as I was checking my phone one more time I noticed a new message when I checked it was from a doctor clinic wanting to start scheduling appointments. 6 years ago a dermatologist found lumps on my throat. We have been monitoring them and watching for the dreaded cancer. There was a time that my dad did a genetic test when two of my cousins found lumps that were cancerous a few years ago. we did not have the cancer gene.  To date I have no cancer findings but the lumps continue to grow and I think it's time they go. I'm not excited for surgery. This one will be a while as the lumps are right in the mess of veins, vocal cords, things like my esophagus and trachea... it may be quite delicate. 

So tonight as the dark thickened and the normal was happening the peeling the vegetables and cutting the meat for dinner, as my baby cried at my feet, and I was slapped in the face with the real possibility this would not be my day schedule for a while I was overwhelmed with how sweet my normal days are. I picked up that crying baby and shushed her while I cried. 

I don't like personal pain, or the loneliness of hospitals, or healing with rambunctious kids. I will seek to be thankful for the option to heal and go on with just a scar and some memories. I will figure it out. 

It never ceases to amaze me how quickly life changes. So we pivot from investigating about remodeling to trying to hurry introductory and exploratory procedures so we know where we are going from here. And I will savor the snuggles and try to just enjoy the normal. Life is grand. I am blessed. 

12.12.22 Sick and Putting up the tree

After too many days of this, kids sleeping for long stretches and just being lethargic coupled with another round of fevers, and missing 1-2 days of school a week for a while,  I loaded 7 of them into the big van and we headed to the doctors. 
All 7 were positive strep. We were so thankful to have been tested and treated in the car. Taking the kids in the doctors office is like trying to corral wild animals the rooms aren't big enough there is too much to tough and not enough to see.. it's a wild mess. Thankfully the nurses and doctor came to us it was great. And while there is a shortage of amoxicillin in the valley we were able to get what we needed although the dosage is 1x less per day than in the past. So far everyone seems to be getting better. 

With the realization we all probably had strep I scooped up the rest of the kids and headed back to town. They were less than thrilled but much more able to sit and just hangout. After the tests where only 3/5 were positive we headed to pie, french fries and hot chocolate. 

And Reed scored the last cinnamon roll of the day. I had bet him a milkshake he did have strep. He told me no way he was well and to boot he has no tonsils. Mark also has no tonsils but he had strep, but he is a notorious sharer from other peoples water cups so serves him right to be sick though he had no symptoms. 

These three are mostly gone from the house. They come home to eat and do homework but a lot of their time is spent working. John at the shop and Addie and Reed on the farm. They are awesome at what they can do, they don't like to waste time or to be seen much they like to be ignored so they can do what they want. One was getting pretty mouthy and rude. While I told them to be quiet and mostly wanted to kick them out of the car to walk home, I knew that would be irresponsible and counter productive. While waiting for the last round of medicine I knew would take a while, the thought came to me - "feed them, make this a good moment, it's just money." So being close the a favorite restaurant from my youth I instructed them to follow me. They were surprised at my order but enjoyed the results. It melted the mouth and we had a pleasant conversation. And we all felt better with some food in our belly. I spent 10 hours away from home that day at doctors and pharmacies. I'm so thankful for the meds. By the next day the kids were chasing each other around again being loud and noisy. It is good to be getting better. 

At home Addie began the project of the Christmas tree. She brought it up from the farm and after attaching the limbs and stringing the lights the kids were turned loose to decorate. 

Andrea preferred to keep my in view. She too had tested positive for strep a rareity for a baby to get it but with all her sharing and the loving she gets it was no surprise. I was so tired but somehow we managed to eat something and complete the night time routine. I'm thankful for the unseen hands that help me along. 

These two were the hesitation for the tree. They are enamored. But hey that's what it's for to entertain and entice their eyes and hands. I love how close they are and how much they care for each other. 
And after cousin Henley's baptism we walked through another ward setting up their Christmas party we took advantage of the backdrop all ready for use and snapped a picture of the kids that were with me. 
Then we headed to pizza which was another experience but important to development. I'm a blessed mama to have health, strength, love, and beauty all around. Christmas is a fun traditional holiday. We are blessed with lots of excitement. 

Friday, December 9, 2022

12.9.22 Cool Warriors

Each Christmas we use money from Modern Woodman to buy fleece blankets. The kids at Willowcreek tie them and we donate them to various charitable organizations. The kids seem to enjoy this project and as the old saying goes "Many hands make light work." Livy and I picked out the blankets, then I sew the top and bottom together because I hate fringe in my face. 
The kids clip and tie the edges. Ta-dah a done blanket. The classes did 5 blankets with different groups working on each. 
Then we take the blankets to Ontario where we donate them- this year to the Veterans advocates. They were so nice and thankful. All our encounters with Veterans this year have been positive, what a great group of people to be able to share some service with. 
Another day at Willowcreek John and friends went to share some Ag in the Classroom information. John was the lead teaching about branding. Which is funny because the two classmates on the left actually brand calves each season, John never has. I'm proud of him stepping up and leading the discussion. 

After the information the kids used pipe cleaners and paint to make their own brands. From the shy kid at Willowcreek to the confident funny young man he has become John has grown in so many ways. 

Reed was in this class and made a small brand. He is our main cow guy and also taking off personally. He is not shy but rather  a class leader, a powerhouse on any PE team, and known as the smart kid. Several kids from town have passed through Willowcreek for a season they are surprised to meet and be beat by this quiet yet strong kid of mine. 
Life is good, its so important to play the long game and realize that the right now is not the always. I'm thankful John endured a rough middle school experience and has found a place to blossom in high school. I'm thankful that the rowdy's do often times wash out or away. I'm thankful my kids can be part of the larger community giving back. Life is good and we are blessed.

Thursday, December 8, 2022

12.8.22 Useful

The firretruck all ready for a parade. Harold and ocmpanion pictured along with the spanish elders rode in it for the city Christmas parade. What a special memory and experience. 
Dark omes early in the north and during winter. LAst year Anna would go home and cold text people and work on projects or study. This year she and her companion frequent well lit populated places. A favorite an antique thrift shop. Here she is trying on a mink fur complete with teeth and claws... who thought of that as high fashion? I know it is but wow. 
They also spend many evenings at McDonalds. I asked if they helped clean up, and how she affords to eat their everyday? She said they don't have to eat and it's a great place to see people. So the life of a seasoned missionary go out and be with the people. And experience luxury fur and Mickie D's. 

Being a district leader she goes on splits with other companionships. 
Mark at the job interview contest earlier in November. Addie competed in a Business Professionals of AMerica contest on Monday but no pictures. I love the reliability of the FFA uniform and the pictures the advisor shares. I'm thankful they are willing to try and the benefit of learning new skills with eah go round. 
The annual blanket project. I got the blankets purchased with Livy a few weeks ago and I've been slowing sewing the top and bottom together as I hate fringe in my face. The blankets head to the elementary school soon for the students to work on tying them. THen off to the veterans for placement. 
Lots of people going lots of directions, but overall trying to serve God and love our neighbor. We are blessed and thankful. Life is good. I'm so grateful for the real time seeing my kids missionary efforts and hearing from them. I'm thankful for their growth and showing me God uses our individual talents just as we are. God knows us truly and is very aware of the part He needs us to play where we are with who we are right now. That's awesome and humbling. Merry Christmas.