Thursday, December 8, 2022

12.8.22 Useful

The firretruck all ready for a parade. Harold and ocmpanion pictured along with the spanish elders rode in it for the city Christmas parade. What a special memory and experience. 
Dark omes early in the north and during winter. LAst year Anna would go home and cold text people and work on projects or study. This year she and her companion frequent well lit populated places. A favorite an antique thrift shop. Here she is trying on a mink fur complete with teeth and claws... who thought of that as high fashion? I know it is but wow. 
They also spend many evenings at McDonalds. I asked if they helped clean up, and how she affords to eat their everyday? She said they don't have to eat and it's a great place to see people. So the life of a seasoned missionary go out and be with the people. And experience luxury fur and Mickie D's. 

Being a district leader she goes on splits with other companionships. 
Mark at the job interview contest earlier in November. Addie competed in a Business Professionals of AMerica contest on Monday but no pictures. I love the reliability of the FFA uniform and the pictures the advisor shares. I'm thankful they are willing to try and the benefit of learning new skills with eah go round. 
The annual blanket project. I got the blankets purchased with Livy a few weeks ago and I've been slowing sewing the top and bottom together as I hate fringe in my face. The blankets head to the elementary school soon for the students to work on tying them. THen off to the veterans for placement. 
Lots of people going lots of directions, but overall trying to serve God and love our neighbor. We are blessed and thankful. Life is good. I'm so grateful for the real time seeing my kids missionary efforts and hearing from them. I'm thankful for their growth and showing me God uses our individual talents just as we are. God knows us truly and is very aware of the part He needs us to play where we are with who we are right now. That's awesome and humbling. Merry Christmas. 


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