Saturday, December 17, 2022

12.18.22 Sick Days and Crying Babies

Some day I will be all alone all day and miss the time spent snuggling little bodies. This week I got my fill and then some. Even though we are all on amoxicillan we got a secondary something. The little ones were sad and wanted to be held and slept extra all week.

When they weren't asleep they were often doing this. Crying and crying. I really don't like listening to crying kids.

I was trying to get a cute picture of her for grandparents. She was not a fan. 
The kids took baths put on non-stained clothes and smiled a bit, but alas we didn't get the right shots because of the sad littlest one above. 
I gave her a dose of tylenol- that John had bought a few weeks ago. This is a good thing because it can not be found lately. There are so many kids sick with the influenza and have fevers lasting over a week. I'm thankful for my stockpile. I'm not sharing because we just keep getting something new every few days. 

For activity days the kids helped fill the Santa candy bags. This was a new service the kids had a great time, and the adults were shown kids can do a lot given the opportunity and structure. I have loved being involvced with the kids at activitiy days. 

This was a very delicate shot. Andrea had  cried for two hours prior to sleeping. Held or not she cried. Not whimpers but all out crying. So when she finally went to sleep I didn't want to wake her up. 3 hours in of holding these two I snapped a shot. Aliza was out Christmas shopping for me with Livy and Millie. The other kids were around but playing quietly. Thankfully when she woke up she was happier and no more fever. 

She thought she was so big to get in this precarious perch. Thankfully we got her down before she fell down and started crying again. 

 And my two boys enjoying a blanket and a book. I love the idea of more reading in December when it always seems to be dark. I've been working to go to the library weekly to get new books. The kids love picture books all the kids. It's sweet to me to see them sharing that love with the younger kids. 

We endured and hopefully will be well until after Christmas. We are blessed. 

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