Wednesday, December 7, 2022

12.7.22 soundtrack of life

There is something very satisfying about teenagers. They are interesting, independent, and hungry. Last night John was completing a sound track of his life assignment. He was suppose to share 16 songs that represented his life. He had 6. We started sharing songs. It was delightful we went through heavy metal, country, political parodies, and then when he had his 17 I got to investigate suggested songs further while putting the baby to sleep. There's something powerful about music, it revives memories, teaches lessons, puts feelings into words, and its powerful connecting. Even this morning the lingering closeness of sharing thoughts and preferences brings a smile. I'm thankful to have a broad spectrum of kids in my house. The teenagers bring a vitality and maturity that inspires hope in the caring for and enduring the crying toddlers. They also bring a whole lot of playing and tossing to the younger ones.

THis lady loves her brothers and wants to go to them when they are around. She makes eye contact and smiles engaging with them as soon as they enter a room. Babies are powerful for teenagers. They snuggles, the laugh, they prefer its a win win. Another blessing of the large scope of our family helpers and lovers its a good thing. 

We got snow that has lasted. After caroling and throughout the kids played in the snow. Mark is a nice target I hit him a few times with a snowball or two. Of course I played the I'm your mom card to avoid anniahilation retaliation but it was fun. It's fun to be together even with the inevitable squashed foot or hand the too much snow the cold kid who didn't get fully dressed the moody teenager who's self-conscious. It's ok! Being a mom in my forties kinda on repeat is more acceptance of the chaos we are and leaning into soak it up and make sure we hit the very necessary spots and discussions. 

Afton is a fighter she brings the fight to the party for sure and the justice trying to help the underdog who's name is Bruce. Mark is dipping him in the snow face first Afton is trying to divert Mark. All good fun mostly. 
A few weeks ago that was starting to teach the younger half about morality and chastity. HArd to remember they are rapidly and sadly inundated with that in so many false narratives. IT was a great discussion and we will keep taking small bites of time and questions to learn and understand what it is and why it matters thus we why do what we do. I'm thankful for this life and for the many writers and composers who give music to make it more pleasant. That's one thing I love about caroling so often we get to sing and share the message of Christmas at each door and wish them MErry Christmas from a tradition of the past. Life is good. 

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