Friday, December 9, 2022

12.9.22 Cool Warriors

Each Christmas we use money from Modern Woodman to buy fleece blankets. The kids at Willowcreek tie them and we donate them to various charitable organizations. The kids seem to enjoy this project and as the old saying goes "Many hands make light work." Livy and I picked out the blankets, then I sew the top and bottom together because I hate fringe in my face. 
The kids clip and tie the edges. Ta-dah a done blanket. The classes did 5 blankets with different groups working on each. 
Then we take the blankets to Ontario where we donate them- this year to the Veterans advocates. They were so nice and thankful. All our encounters with Veterans this year have been positive, what a great group of people to be able to share some service with. 
Another day at Willowcreek John and friends went to share some Ag in the Classroom information. John was the lead teaching about branding. Which is funny because the two classmates on the left actually brand calves each season, John never has. I'm proud of him stepping up and leading the discussion. 

After the information the kids used pipe cleaners and paint to make their own brands. From the shy kid at Willowcreek to the confident funny young man he has become John has grown in so many ways. 

Reed was in this class and made a small brand. He is our main cow guy and also taking off personally. He is not shy but rather  a class leader, a powerhouse on any PE team, and known as the smart kid. Several kids from town have passed through Willowcreek for a season they are surprised to meet and be beat by this quiet yet strong kid of mine. 
Life is good, its so important to play the long game and realize that the right now is not the always. I'm thankful John endured a rough middle school experience and has found a place to blossom in high school. I'm thankful that the rowdy's do often times wash out or away. I'm thankful my kids can be part of the larger community giving back. Life is good and we are blessed.

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