Sunday, December 18, 2022

12.18.22 Picture a Christmas Nativity

Last Christmas the teenagers put on the nativity. The primary kids sang songs but were mostly not involved. They were very sad. This year there was no talk of a nativity. The primary kids asked if they could put it on. I asked and we were given the ok. I was so impressed with their desire to put on the show and their enthusiasm for Christmas. After dinner we raced upstairs to no costumes. We found them in another room and then started dressing the kids. I had the help of four lovely talented young women. The kids went with their leader and waited for their turn. 
Aliza started reading, our dedicated pianist set the tone and we went through the Christmas story. 
The shepherds waiting, the angels coming to tell them the good news. 
The whole crew on stage seeing the baby Jesus and picturing Christmas. 
The wise men showed up gifts in hand to celebrate JEsus. 
Then Santa showed up. I was talking with a friend and missed this, but was thankful for the pictures friends provided. 

The spirit was thick and the kids did a great job. After a day spent sitting nurturing my own little one pondering on how to pull this together I was last minute last ditch effort. As always I was so thankful the spirit accompanies the children and their efforts. I'm thankful for families who participated and made the time to come. It was our smallest party ever, with about 50 people max in attendance. But The sweet moments with the young women directing the kids, and watching the kids act out the classic story it was fine. 
I was released today so this was my last work as president. It's bittersweet to move on. I truly enjoyed the kids and counselors part of my calling. The constant struggle to have enough teachers and how to meet the program requirements was hard but it worked out with many volunteers. I'm thankful for the time with my kids and watching the profoundly talented musical people. It was good. So now we move on to the next thing whatever that will be. Life is good as is change. The next presidency will be great they are a powerful team of women with abundant talents. 

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