Thursday, February 29, 2024

2.29.24 Weekend

I noticed feathers in the pasture on Friday I was pretty sure I had not seen the white fluff marring the coming green grass earlier in the day. Thus the kids were sent out to investigate and came back to report it wasn't just one but 7 chickens that were dead. I'm not sure what killed them as they aren't ripped apart for a meal nor are they disembowled like a hawk would do. I shooed as many as would go into the chicken house Friday night but didn't get that done early enough Saturday and to my knowledge, we haven't lost anymore. 
We finally uncovered the winter shelter to find lots of green plants. The chickens were very interested in this space as well. I was thrilled to see so much growing. I decided to try improving the structure with hoops made from old garden water hose. 
Already having rebar in the ground we planted peas and covered the ground. 

IT looked so good. With all repurposed pieces I didn't have to spend any more money to have a pretty greenhouse. However, the strong winds on Monday tore that structure up and the chickens enjoyed eating all those green plants. Darn chickens. 
Later that day I was given dresses from my childhood. This one I wore to my great-great grandmother's funeral. I was 7-8 years old. I asked my mom to save the dress for me, explaining I didn't want any of my sisters to wear it because I wanted to remember my grandmother. My mom obliged and saved my dress. Now my little(big) Lia fits into it and wore it Sunday. She looked lovely. 
This is the dress I wore the night I met Greg. Addie has been disbelieving I was ever her size. Trying on my dresses from young adulthood proved we are indeed similar sized. 

 Reed took Andrea for a bike ride. She was delighted of course. I was thankful all went well. Life is good as we have a few special moments and times together. Memories come in so many forms. I'm thankful for such a full blessed life and the great effort my mom took to make beautiful clothes and to preserve them for my own daughters to experience now. Life is good. 

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