Tuesday, April 30, 2024

4.30.24 TVCC shop skills

Back on the homefront Mark and some buddies attended the shop skills contest at TVCC. Mark did well. He won the day. Going into the contest, he thought the reigning champion had graduated so he had a shot at first this year. He did in fact place first (by a ways) from the rest of the competition. The young man on the far right had boasted all year that he would beat Mark. Maybe after Mark graduates next year that young man will win the contest. That's kind of how it goes it just takes time and various experience to know enough to win these competitions. 

Thanks to Addie's understanding and insight Reed and she were able to wow the teacher with a children's book about a greek hero. As a result, Reed and some peers presented their stories to the school board early in April. 

They read part of their stories to the board members. 
The hero and legend herself won another race or two at the LaGrand Eastern Oregon College meet on a beautiful windy Saturday. 
She too is improving and benefits from the older more experienced runners graduating. 

 In a variety of ways and areas the kids are doing well and gaining recognition for their efforts. I would be amiss not to recognize the great force Ms. Addie is in our home. We have been struggling all month to get along and get going the same direction. Finally,  we are finding new ways to interact and work together. She and Reed spent many hours serving a neighbor this weekend. She is known for her thorough abilities to make a yard tidy and pleasant to look at. Especially with Reed around to do the heavy lifting and do the extra stuff she wouldn't get to. 

A neighbor lost their grandson in a sad head-on car accident this week and we have had a few opportunities to serve them. This was one mowing their overgrown not finished lawn. Greg serviced and revived their lawn mower after a winter in storage. Addie and Reed mowed and weed-whacked for so many hours. They have abundant energy and vision of how things should be. I'm thankful they did this project willingly. 

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