Sunday, June 2, 2024

State track 6.2.24

This feels like really old news but I have not had time to document May so here it goes. Addie qualified for State track. Our first call after she won the state American Legion was to her track coach. I hate being tied to other people outside our family but we knew the win would conflict with state track so we felt it fair to let him know what was going on too. Well, the plan we developed was she would run on the first day and then fly the second missing her second event. She was very sad to miss it but after months of fighting and explaining why she should attend the NAtional contest the plan happened. A lot of kids from Vale qualified for State Track this year. 
Addie on the bus. I had no part in this send-off. Information was not coming home, and she was not thrilled but finally accepted what was happening this weekend. 
Doubtless, the facility in Eugene is world-class. I really did enjoy going to watch there, you feel fast even as a middle-aged parent. The facility and experience breathe confidence and possibility. It is a unique thrill. 
While the pictures show the grandeur they do not capture the largess and the absolute you are a champion environment this stadium represents. Also of note as we learned again and again with Addie the people. The group of kids, the hard workers who have to "earn" their spot and their chance to shine. 

Getting ready outside of the stadium for the race. Sophomore and 4 state running events. Little Bridgette the coach's daughter also enjoying the sunshine. 
After the race with another medal for her collection. I was super thankful for moms who streamed the race so I could watch from home. 

another year in 5th place. the times were faster her new PR is 11:02. She ran well and stronger than last year. She is gaining confidence and ability. We are so happy with her ability to manage so much.

At home, I spotted this flower. Iris were abundant in my grandmother's yard. I'm not sure if they were her favorite but definitely a flower she liked. I planted these at least 3 years ago from a friend. They have never bloomed. The leaves will come up but not the flowers. This year seeing the purple flowers on a day when I was feeling very bad about missing Addie's race but needing to be here with the kids a little longer it was a gentle reminder that even though life was/is heavy and I'm not able to be the super parent with every one of my 14 kids I'm doing enough and they are ok. Times of just feeling loved are very comforting. 
This lady is still little and I'm her mom too. It is so nerve-wracking to leave my crew. Even though I missed Addie's run we were headed to Detroit with her the next day and my nerves were frazzled leaving the whole crew at home with grandparents, so time with my uncomplicated sweet youngest are treasured moments of soothing peace. 
Tasks like these were waiting too. We have to carefully and deeply corrugate this field. Every year we know it's going to be tedious the poor land leveling and the farming method just require time and patience. Well, this year the corrigator covered some of the corn. Thus to save the corn plants we had to uncover them. Brooms were much easier than hands and knees. We walked up and down rows scraping the excess dirt off the corn plants. 

Under that dirt are green corn plants. I'm thankful for activities to keep us busy, to give us time outside, and to cause us to be needed. I'm thankful for my time with my kids. I'm thankful to be on this side of May where I know it all worked out. The days were long and the nights longer full of not sleeping and worry. But it came to pass and we were happy and safe and successful. Life is good.

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