Friday, September 6, 2024

Addie XC happenings

Addie made the paper in her first match. She placed 2nd to a new runner from halfway Oregon. The next day she was top 20 I think in Weiser. It's good to get the season started and enjoy the fun of seeing friends from all over the region. 

I spotted this shirt on a coach as we were walking out of the race. In a sport where all you do is running and stretching and strengthening... it can get old. But the thrill of races and enjoyment of meeting new people keeps the fire burning to run mile after mile year after year. 
A new experience happened before Addie's first race. She was asked to Homecoming by a good man named JEB. 
He is good friends with Mark and got inside information on her favorite things. So she got some chocolate bars, some ice cream and flowers. What a sweet guy. She said yes. 

Rocks are the prize for the Vale races they both got silver loosing gold to cousins from up north. 
So the season has begun with some happy results. It's fun to see her happy and her vast energy being adequate for the tasks at hand. It's still very warm at each event around 90-95 degrees after 3 pm. We are all looking forward to cooler temperatures. Life is good. 

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