Saturday, September 7, 2024

Rematch grudge match

Last year ended on a sour note as the team without its confident quarterback fell to the 2-year state champions. The east-west divide is rumored to be true discounting any team from the other side of the Rocky Mountains when ranking for playoff placement. Thus the coaches asked for a rematch and were granted a pre-season game to see what the teams looked like this year. Our guys have been working hard with some desire to avenge the loss and show how powerful they truly are. We rescheduled our weekend and made the drive to Bend to view the Venge match. 
New this year is a JV quarterback who is a senior. With the prowess of the now graduated leader of the team this guy has been in reserve leading a successful junior squad. He wasn't used to the size or strength of his new offensive line. Mark kept reassuring him we will protect you, you will have time to make the plays don't worry. I love how these still shots captured that time. He was in fact untouched the entire game. In this matchup against a smaller less aggressive line, he had all the space he needed to make plays. 

Mark is 57. He's really enjoying playing this year. Addie was at home with the kids and asked that I facebook stream the game. That was a new experience. Standing quietly in the hot sun I saw a lot more of the game. I tried to add names to who did what on the plays... I don't know a lot about football so that was a challenge. 

Big number 60 has grown over the summer. Evan is a strong guy, he plays to the right of Mark. 
After the game Mark was cramping up. It was so hot the guys were literally cooked. Mark's feet hurt from the hot turf. Grass growing is definitely more comfortable to play on than turf. 
This is a picture of jubilation and heat weariness. Thankfull there was a slight breeze for most of the game or it would have been nearly impossible to watch. I was surprised when we walked ont he field to find it about 10 degrees hotter than the stands. Poor guys. 
It's always so fun to have grandparent's support. We appreciated their willingness to come support. 
Mark and his friend Raul who is the center. 
The seniors minus Raul who left. These guys know and fought hard last year this was a sweet statement that they are a force to be reckoned with this year as well. 
Always after a game fairlife to refuel and rebalance electrolytes. I preach to my athletes real food for real performance. So watermelon and chocolate milk and some ice cream. 
We stopped for the milk and got ice cream for Greg. We got too much for the three of us. On the way, we caught up to a car that looked like our friends. I texted and asked if it was them they said yes. I told them if they would pull over we would share ice cream as we had too much. This family likes ice cream too and so they quickly stopped. I ran up to the mom and gave her the boxes of ice cream treats and hurried back to our car. Greg quickly pulled out and that was the nicest passing we have ever done. Greg does so hate to follow people when driving. 
Later after a nice dinner in Burns with my parents, we saw MArk's friend JEB. We asked him to follow us home. About 10 miles outside of Juntura our car started acting weird and we pulled over. Greg was sure the trany had died so we got in with JEB and rode home. We had a nice visit hearing his testimony and sharing thoughts on life. 
When Greg looked at the car this week it was fine. It is driving with no problems. So we aren't sure what happened but are thankful for now it's not destroyed. 
We enjoyed the time to get away and were happy to see the team's success on the field. Life is good and the season has just begun!

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