Thursday, September 5, 2024

August happenings

I loved August because our garden began producing in earnest. Here Millie is returning with a full bowl of produce. It's so fun to bring home armfulls each day. 

I also started working on sourdough bread again. It is so simple yet delicious. I'm still working on the structure and form but regardless of the beauty it tastes good and fills bellies. 
Another exciting addition is the abundant flowers. We took these bouquets around one Sunday evening. As I'm canning now, I miss my jars, but I was happy to have a container to share some happiness with others. 

We got a text from neighbors saying our cows were loose. They corralled them for us and we went to get them after church. Oh, such kind neighbors who have strong pens. We brought the renegades home and put them in our strong pens to help them calm down and respect fences again. I never understand why cows in a green pasture want to wander the neighborhood. 
We came home one afternoon to tree limbs blocking our driveway. Addie took charge and moved them out of the way. 

For activity days we made swords of truth! We talked about doing real things with real people. 
The boys had a good time sword fighting with each other and the other male leader who a sword expert! I was so thankful for his skill and for the guys at my local hardware store who did the mathematics and cutting to get me the most supplies with the least waste. I was sad only 4 boys came but they had a great time. 

MY strong guys using body weight to exercise each other. 

We went swimming a few times this summer. I'm pleased with the level of independence the kids showed. It was so nice to cool off in the evenings.
Andrea loved the water so much!
At home, these three are pretty happy playing magnets and creating fun. 
I am thankful for the time to do what we want and have a break from the busy of school involvement. We are thankful to be back in school too but the summer was a nice break in the routine. Life is good and we are blessed. 

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