Sunday, September 8, 2024

Lloyd Family reunion

On top of the labor day weekend was a family reunion in twin with Greg's siblings. I did not plan to go. However, Harold was willing to take some kids so the three middle girls hopped in his truck and went to Twin free of parents nad responsibilities. The reunion started off with a service project making goodie bags for foster kids. 
Megan Millie Alena, Sue, Crystal, Afton
After the temple kids headed back to his brothers to play and mingle. 
Millie and Janice play air hockey
There is always a lot of good food. Reed and his cousin Thomas are good buddies. Rishelle watching the crowd.
Lots of people and lots of help. 
Monica, and Kaden foreground, Kia, Kali, Brooke, Eric Sheryl Nathan Sue Deanne in line
Sue gives a handmade quilt to each married grandchild. Thanks to Alena's help and opinions the quilts are unique and beautiful. This one went to Kia standing in the middle. She is Kristi's second daughter. 
In addition to the reunion, each participant shared what they liked and would suggest for next year. Greg, Addie and I headed that project.
KEvin, Vance, Greg, Reed, Thomas
Mary, Addie, Cami, Emery

Eric, Addie, Amanda, Cami
Mark has been pretty tired. It was good to spend time with Anna. I was surprised when I looked up to see Reed with Denise's baby Harmony. My guys don't usually take other people's babies. They like babies though and so were totally willing to hold her. 
Harmony, Caleb, Whit, Thomas, Mark, Livy, Anna, Jacob
Kevin is all about self-sufficiency so he has a milk cow. Here he is taking a load of curious cousins to watch the nightly milking routine. 
Kasden, Deanne, Kevin, Cami, Colton
Dinner for 100 scones. 
Bryce, Conner, Brooke, MArk, Deanne, Nathan, Reed
Harold and Cousin Caleb showing off their cowboy hats. These two are vivacious and love to have a good time. I told them they looked like the good and bad cowboy. Harold of course as the villain in black and Caleb the good guy in the lighter hat. 
The cooking crew. I learned years ago to just watch and be grateful. There are plenty of skilled cooks who have their ways of providing. It's best for me to just wash dishes or stay out of the way. 
Richard, Jonathan, Brenda, Kevin, Sheryl
After a fun spend the night the kids had a few minutes to play with Nerf guns at a cousins house. 
Andrea gave some last minute love to Anna. 
One task of family gatherings is getting pictures for the annual calendar. Reed and Blaine share a birthday. I think it's interesting how they hold their heads similarly. 
The 3-4 years old playing. Merle with his back to the camera. Klay looking at the camera, Wyatt blond and James the lone redhead. 
Most of the adults like to play games. In fact, Greg and I may be the only non-game players in the family. I'm usually too tired to think competitively. And I really don't enjoy silly projects. My kids however enjoy the experience and are thankful to be included. 
Then Mark had baby Harmony. She was a very agreeable baby. 
Uncle Matt shared suckers with all the young kids. They were delighted. Jay and Matt usually bring a bag of candy to continue in the favorite uncle category. 
Bleary-eyed and refreshed we traveled home the next day. We were thankful for the time to visit and share space with family. It's pretty impressive that 12/13 families and most of the adult cousins came. We are thankful for family and the blessing of shared experiences, hopes, and dreams. And the enduring friendships that have developed over the years. We are blessed with generous hosts who are willing to feed and house that many. Life is very good. 

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