Tuesday, June 3, 2014

6.2.14 The chicks have hatched!

Mark excitedly reported yesterday that he saw holes in the eggs and then lines around the egg and after much sitting and watching a chick emerged!! He is patient. It amazes me that that hen nurtured those chicks to life!!! Mark continued to watch and there were 3 more that escaped the egg yesterday.

This morning he was up and at em early. I was curious as well, but was dismayed when I heard no cheep cheep. Chicks are noisy. We have cared for chicks from the feed store. They seemed to always be awake or at least making noise. I was concerned. When I  went to check the second time I was really upset when the rooster and other hens were clucking around and some were jumping out of her nest/nursery box. See she hasn't moved for days for the final push of getting these eggs cooked and here. So I know she is weak. I know she is designed to do this but still give the lady a chance. And again the ominous no cheep cheep and nothing to be seen but egg shells and eggs still waiting to hatch.

I decided the least I could do is give her a drink. Taking a dish out to the animals is certain loss of the dish. So I had to consider carefully. I remembered an empty yogurt cup in the garbage so I washed that and filled it with water. when I placed it in her pen she pecked me so some spilled. But when I returned later it was empty. See when chicks come from the hatchery the most important thing is got dip their beaks in the water and make sure they take some if they don't get a drink it's a death sentence. and as I keep trying to explain to the curious kiddos chickens don't have milk they have to teach their babies and the babies have to be able to reach the water and food.

However I was very discouraged thinking that all her hard work had gone for feeding her companions. Yes chickens are VERY carnivorous. They fight for mice and love meat scraps. Well I told Mark the bad news he hurried to check and was happy to report that I was wrong and there are now 4 live chicks. 2 black 1 white and 1 yellow!! Relief
The chick is at the bottom of this picture there is one emerging you can see the crushed shell. Never help a chick it  has to do it itself or it dies.

Can I just soapbox for a moment and say as I was chasing the other chickens from her with my adult presence I thought, 'Why are we like this? Why do we attack mothers who are just doing their job?' The job God intended them to do. To love and care for their children. Why do we believe society, government, parents, friends etc who say you are wasting your time, figure, money, health, brains, etc on being a mom. Loving an caring for children to your best knowledge. Why do we believe them when they say someone else can do motherhood and family better than mom's and families? Orphan animal babies are not as vigorous, or successful at life when cared for by humans. Mom's do it best, we know how to care for our young!

 Why is sterilization the fixed answer and the problem the pregnancy? A friends sent me this LINK about the poor embarrassed expectant mother.

Mom's need support and encouragement. Lots of it. Mentoring and encouragement that yes the sleepless nights pass... here's some ideas or a hug. Or it's ok to loose your cool sometimes. It happens you move on and do a little better each time till you don't loose your cool or you get a few more hours sleep.

I just sincerely hope that instead of eating each others hard work we will support and love each other, and believe in our worth as mother hens. That we know our devotion, our instinct and our distinct talents are what our families need. They need us. Focused, fierce, and faithful in our decision and determination to raise a family. It can and is being done so many places and so well. We are not alone. It is the most important thing we can do with our life. Society really hinges on the capabilities of mothers to produce civil, honest, working, thinking, religious people who will and do good and who want to perpetuate goodness. My best to you each.

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