Thursday, July 10, 2014

6.10.14 Perserverance

after weeding tired and not feeling well again but she has become a true gardener not passing by weeds but pulling them out and continuing to pull till it's clean. She is a beautiful young lady who is my ace in the hole this summer. God surely blessed me with this child.
We love sweet corn. My brother has been a champion sweet corn grower spoiling us with unlimited supply from mid July to September. Delicious! However this year his farm plan changed and he is not supply grocery stores so he planted one planting and we are mourning. Because it is a much smaller plot he didn't do his usual farming and was ready to disc this under. WE heard and begged the opportunity to give a shot at cleaning it up.
Last year  it ws the potatoes the kids reclaimed this year it is this corn spot. They are learning to be tough and to see the bigger picture and the value of pulling the weeds, dealing with a problem when it is small versus when it is big and anchored. Mark did a great spiritual analogy of this and so I hear that they are getting it. YES!

It has required a lot of work, sweat, and patience. But they made headway

Note the weeds as tall as the corn and totally carpeting the growing space between rows. The bottom of this picture shows the pile of weeds they made after pulling them. WOW! Again a grandmother who is shaping this generation of kids into tough, strong, workers who know and see nothing is impossible.

Dead weeds and better corn! Thanks for the lesson and the work.

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