Monday, July 7, 2014

6.7.14 Pickup Parade Part 1

A few months ago Greg mentioned there was an idea being developed to host a Guinness World Record attempt for the longest Pickup Parade. I excitedly told him I thought that would be really cool and a fun thing for our small town. He suggested I call the organizer and offer to help. I was envisioning helping on the day of, little did I know the ride I was in for. I will say it was a good experience. Good for my family on many levels and good for me to meet new people and to stretch some muscles and a lot of faith in making it happen.

After getting ahold of the right Keller brother I was invited to a planning meeting, and of course could not just sit and listen to everyone else take all the responsibility so volunteered to work on publicity and man power. That turned into fliers, texting, facebook posts, posters, press releases, the ODOT meeting, public officials, etc. It was fun and exhilarating and a huge stretch of time and prioritizing.

As I met with the county commissioner, who was super friendly and helpful, my children quitely explored his stately room and were very good. It was not a situation I would have dreamed of putting them in prior, but they learned the value of going to the higher power and being pleasant and having a good reputation. Important lessons for getting where you need to go in life. 

A cousin designed fabulous posters which I can't show you but are much much more than the usual. She is good, that's what talent and college training does for you. Thank you Cynthia.

And of course we rounded up pickups. My late grandfather loved Red pickups. It was our privledge to use many of his and my fathers collection of pickups to help hopefully break the record. Of course being a proud granddaughter and daughter and wanting to teach my kids to wash vehicles we seized the opportunity to wash 6-7 pickups. I love repeated tasks as it really cements the skill and gives all a chance to participate.

Obligatory water fighting. It is a HOT July here.

The 4th of July was not neccisarily our normal fun day. Anna was again diagnosed with strep on Weds so we were quarantined at our house. Which was okay we spent some time adjusting attitudes with some lawn mowing and pickup detailing. Although not worth a 100 payout the pickups were considerably less dusty for a few hours and we worked on our waxing skills some more.

I have been driving this a bit. I had a pickup just like this when I first started driving. They are so fun. Just like being 16 again.
 Grandpa Saunders came down to tell us about the classic car show in the park. Note the matching hats. We are so blessed to have daily interactions with grandparents and to have their wise influence in our lives.

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