Thursday, July 3, 2014

6.3.14 Aliza & Addie Birthday

In the rush of May I missed the tribute birthday post to these two special girls. Addie from her birth has been independent. She was my first baby to not want to sleep next to me, that needed to be cared for but didn't need lots of extra time. She was content to be here. She is fiesty, resourceful, smart, kind, and tough.

Addie is by no means a small spirit but has to squeeze herself in-between these three boisterous brothers

Brothers always helping.

They are good friends now. Seperation makes the heart fonder. After a year of school Addie and Mark realized they were friends and liked each other a lot more than they had previously admitted.
As you can see from her birthday pictures it's required for survival. I'm not sure I'm going to be able to survive this fall without her. She is so good with her siblings and so interesting. I admit she has been glanced over just because she is the end of the fast run of the older kids. But she manages and carves out her needs in other places particularly her relationship with her grandma Saunders. They are kindred spirits and I'm thankful for the help she is in loving and teaching Addie.

Aliza is a worker. Without her our house would be a pit of despair and a very un-fun place. She sings so well in private. Her younger sisters have mastered 'Let it Go' and the other songs from that movie because Aliza sings them to sleep each night. Her grandmother Corn would sing to Aliza when she was little, although it was I am a Child of God.
Always helping. She loves to be with dad.

She devours written words, thus she is interesting and knowledgeable about many things

She loves her siblings and is gracious in helping with them. She is thoughtful and fun- a great combination.

She is super competitive and makes things happen. I love her kindness, creativity, love, and appreciate her help so much. I am impressed with the friend she is and her ability to learn and persevere. It has not been easy for her breaking through her mental road blocks. They about did me in. I cried as much as she did, but we made it through and no one but me and maybe her remembers how hard we had to work to get there. I love her obedience and happiness. I love hearing her sing, it reminds me of being that age.
I'm so thankful for her ability to roll with life and to live with gusto. She's a neat kid who is also happy to be here, how blessed I am to be their mom.

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