Tuesday, July 15, 2014

7.15.14 Boating

All summer the kids have been waiting to get their chance to try their stuff behind the boat. Because of our untimely strep we missed the annual 4th of July Run. We finally got our chance last week.
While waiting for th boat to come back to shore the kids practiced their swimming. It's always fun to swim with papa who loves to play in the water.

Mark, Reed, and the little girls missed the first boat load of fun but the extra time swimming pushed Mark over the hump and the next time at the swimming pool he was able to swim back and forth the length of the pool to be a confident competent swimmer. Diving boards here he comes!! Yeah Mark!!!

Millie discovered burs. I think they were cockaburrs. She had to taste them, she didn't mind them in her mouth and would alternate between fingering them and tasting them.

After successful runs the kids were tired and satisfied. Thanks for a great night on the lake. All tubed nad Harold knee boarded with Kenny (a grown up friend of Uncle Kevin's) wake boarding and jumping over him... not exactly mother approved but Harold thought it was super cool.

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