Wednesday, July 16, 2014

6.16.14 Art Day

I have some super fun, creative, kind friends. A few months ago a friend and I were talking and somehow old sheets came up- cleaning or something. She mentioned how her kids had always wanted to do a splatter paint activity. I said 'here's the sheet take it and enjoy...' She rebutted that we should share the fun and do an art activity.

 As I've stated I've been trying to do some art projects with the kids this summer as they get little of that in common core driven school these days. So after many times rescheduling due to my crazy life we finally got together.

She was super prepared up to creative art music and had something for everyone. Note all the bodies painting. Millie really loves to paint anything and to taste the paint for quality purposes.

John is not crying just being a goon.

It was super fun. I find art to be very relaxing and freeing. I am a split personality that loves order, control, rules, and freedom and color and expression and feeling. Constant fighting in my head over which way to be. Oh well for this day that we finished with swimming the kids voted the art projects were the best part of the day. Thank you April!

The little girls were easily distracted. The friends had penned up their dog and Millie and Livy found that the paint brushes were great to poke at the dog. The dog was happy to not be forgotten and little girls aren't that strong so it was all good.

The finished masterpiece. Kind of fun to just be random for a while. And what better way to use an old sheet. 
Sorry it's grainy, it was a hot day and I just didn't want to leave the shade to go take a better picture. You get the idea.

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