Wednesday, July 9, 2014

6.9.14 National Anthem

The kids were asked to join their classmates in singing the National Anthem at the Vale rodeo. They rehearsed a few times accapella auditioned and made it. They were scheduled for the opening night, family night and we were sort of excited. Some more than others.

They had to wait for the rodeo to start.

 It was the first hot day of the year and we were almost melting.
But they marched out to the front of the shoots and sang with gusto. I was a very proud mamma.  My reluctant boys even at least mouthed the words. Good times.
Then we enjoyed, or endured the next 2.5 hours of kiddos asking for pop, cotton candy, hamburger, fries, water, popcorn anything that cost money. It was nice to be with Greg and kind of my parents to come over and watch. I think we are good for rodeo experience for another 3-4 years.
Tired of sitting there was a sharp shooting exhibition going on. That was pretty cool the kids decided they want to learn to shoot from horseback. Probably not while they live here.

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