Friday, September 12, 2014

9.12.14 Football National Anthem

The Willowcreek Warrior Warblers were at it again tonight. They opened the football game with their spirited rendition of the National Anthem. They did a great job and are getting quite comfortable in front of the crowd.
You might notice the Saunders kids are very tall. The kids they are next to are their classmates they are all about a head taller than their classmates...

 They have a list of venues in the future a local volleyball game, and then the crowning moment they are rumored to be scheduled to sing at a professional hockey game!! Pretty excited about that one as I loved hockey games in college. And after doing some quick math our baby will be here by that time as well. So weird that we are scheduling past that event which seems so far in the future.

It was funny we gathered down in the student section before the game. The mascot also was in that area. The poor little kids were scared to death of our vicious vikings. Instant tears from the babies and my big strong Reed was hiding in the bleachers until his bigger stronger dad showed up and was able to coax him out from under the stands.

The boys had a great time playing football with other boys of their age. And a special highlight was the arrival and departure of the local news station helicopter.

They come and video football games around the valley. It was pretty cool that they came over and I decided that would be a dream job to fly around getting clips of games on a Friday night. Probably never but looked pretty exciting. 

As was expected the kids, namely Addie, was starving to death at the game and begged about 2 million times for something to eat. After having my fill of the game and watching the kids getting antsy we decided to head out. Of course while in town we headed to the grocery store to refill. Decided to reward the kids for their patience with hamburgers and pop at home. They were so cute exclaiming that it was the best meal ever when we sat down to eat.

It was a fun night, another memory and hopefully that will satisfy their football need for the year. Excited to see a volleyball game and hopefully we will dodge the viking warrior next time.

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