Wednesday, September 17, 2014

9.17.14 My helpers

Sometimes it's best just to take a picture. These younger kiddos are getting the benefit of that philosophy. Where the older ones made me tear my hair out and admittedly got some stern discipline these little terrors get pictures and moved away.

Corn starch and spoons, and lots of tin foil. The costco roll... oh boy!
I was busy making bread and pie they were busy playing. I should learn or figure out a way to get the door to shut on my pantry as I don't like cleaning up their messes... oh I'll miss this someday I've been told. Maybe.

What mom?

In Livy' favorite book- Little Mommy-- It's a golden book worth buying love the story and pictures we have read it over 1000 times I'm sure. Anyway the little girl does the things her mom would do so I guess that's what Livy was attempting. Or just trying to get my attention. And as always Millie is a quick study and ever present shadow. It's all good it was safe and cleaned up mostly easily.

I do love these two little tornadoes. It is good to have them in our home and it is great that they have each other. HOw lonely it must be to just play with mom. I'm never as free thinking or creative as the other kids here. It's fun to watch Millie learn to ride a stick horse or rocking horse and run. It's interesting to listen to Reed and Livy play animals or hunting or whatever they come up with. I love the camaraderie of this big bunch of mine. I would have never planned it this way but I'm thankful it's worked out. Life is good and messy around here.

And the reason why I have a shop vac always present in my kitchen. To manage living with my children.

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