Tuesday, September 16, 2014

9.15.14 The Pack Rat is DEAD!!!!

Saturday was a happy day when we found the trap sprung and a dead pack rat. Now I think it may have died on the trap and then the trap had to spring because so much pressure was on it but we were excited and grateful to have one less pest around.

You would think with a herd of fierce kitty cats no pesky rodent would stand a chance but they mostly lay around and wind around feet when you are trying to do something like carry a 30 lb laundry basket in the dark to the clothesline.

The kids were impressed and proud of their dad. We had to wake them up of course, because it was Saturday and they were sleeping in, meaning it was past 7. It was nonetheless a celebration, when they arose, and learned the pack rat is DEAD!!!

So because the fierce kitties do like red meat and the rat was very likely poisoned,  the boys took the rat and a shovel and buried it in a hay field and that was the end of that rat.

Check out these piles. Aren't they weird? They are all over. They were neatly stacked at one point but either it was sick, bored, or someone else tipped them over. They are not as orderly as I first observed a few weeks ago. Anyway now we have to find time and gloves and masks to clean up the mess. But thank goodness hopefully no surprise attacks of rodents while we do it. Oh how I hate rodents. Best to you, hopefully you aren't battling animals that want to live in your spaces too.

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