Thursday, September 4, 2014

9.5.14 Canning Peaches

I always get the comment "I don' know how you do all you do..." Well that was answered tonight, again. My kids do all we do. SO I have dutifully been canning peaches all week. Slowly miraculously they have ripened slowly  enough I could handle it. But I realized tonight they were looking pretty ripe. I worked from 8:00 a.m till 1:30 filling jars and I did approximately 35 jars. Not bad for a one person show and three kiddos into various items of interest. Oh and some lunch.
She has ate her weight in peaches this week. She's handling it well it's good to be little here lots of people to love you.

After dinner I told the kids they needed to spend 30 minutes with me doing peaches- each kid. We started at 6:20p.m. and by 7:50 we had done 37 qts of peaches. They lifted, peeled, prepped, and filled the jars. It was humbling, frustrating, and AWESOME! Humbling to see how fast they could make it happen and to try to stay on top of the assembly line, frustrating to see how futile my efforts had been, and awesome to see more empty boxes and just get them done. Oh how I love having older kids. They are so capable. I did have to compromise and listen to pandora with them. But it's always interesting to listen to what they like, John is sure a music man. He lives for listening to music, and Anna is pretty reasonable in her choices and is a great censor.
Please excuse the tired mom. Aliza is again posing for pictures to make sure her spot is shown. She did happily peel for an hour straight. Then insisted we needed pictures to remember the event. Love that girl. Livy is into dressing herself multiple times a day.

Our assembly line. It was best for me to half, pit, and finish off packing jars. Anna was slicing, sugaring, and capping jars.      

The big view. Thank goodness for lots of counter space peaches peaches everywhere. I can't wait to have my kitchen back.

All in all as always when I work with them I realize this is not just my work. Mormon channel is playing  show called How to Know if you Are a Good Parent- one of the comments was that having a large family does not mean the mom does all the giving. It's more about how the children and grandchildren give to each other. I testify to that. My kids are so kind, thoughtful, fun, creative, and instructive to each other. They have a ball with all their cousins making up new games, songs, projects etc. Kids love to be with other kids. And they are capable of being major contributors to family life.
A disclaimer while most the boys are missing from the pictures they did help with peeling. They were assigned to help with the little girls and to pick up stuff was mostly done. It is so nice to get so much accomplished in such a short space of time. They are a great crew. 
Harold reading to Addie and watching the canners. I am so thankful for that strong son of mine. He is a back saver.

Life is good in a family. The table was full by the end of the night! We are blessed.

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