Monday, September 15, 2014

9.15.14 Lots of Action

As the Relief Society President one of my main jobs/ concerns is the welfare of the members. Particularly the sisters in my ward, but all members are on my horizon. So I realized last week while canning I could call the sisters and check the status of their preparations for winter. It has been really hard to go visiting with my babysitters gone and my babies running wild. But I can talk on the phone and text so I've had to adapt and try to wash some of the guilt away that is ever present in my life.

I will also add the background that I gave a talk to the ward a few weeks ago about being prepared. I quoted from Spencer W. Kimball's conference talk in 1974, Why Call Ye Me Lord Lord? This is a profound amazing talk, not to mention session. I would encourage all to spend some time pondering the messages presented therein. In my talk to the ward I admonished the members to get prepared. To be ready for the things that are happening all around us. Floods in Rexburg Idaho, riots in St. Louis MS, earthquakes, shortages in our local WINCO. I mean how much does it take to realize it's here? The time is NOW! I was a bit worried after I gave the talk that maybe I had just soapboxed. It came after the week of weddings and I had not had a lot of time to put into study. But it was what my fmaily is/was working on and it felt okay so I went with it.

Lo and Behold I was so thankful when the Ensign came this month. The message from our current prophet is Are We Prepared? Phew, I was inspired. After polling ward members last week and catching one on Sunday. We went into action tonight. Greg is 1st counselor in the Elder's Quorom and we have a great bunch of workers here. We were excited to get to help.

It is so awesome as a mom to watch my kids fill the needs of others. To watch them use their time in loving and caring for others. The widow we went and helped said we did in 1 hour what would have taken her a month. Yeah! And she is set for half the winter. We will come back when she is ready for the 2nd round.

All went mostly well for the kiddos, no big injuries a few scrapes, slivers, and maybe a bruise or two. But the highlight of the night was when two men were splitting a log and a piece of the maul came off and cut the assisting man's forearm. Blood started dripping. Greg called for me. I hurried to our van, which we cleaned thanks to the mouse invasion so all our stuff was gone. I found diapers and figured they were good at absorbing. Grabbed the mans arm and applied pressure while raising it above his head. Sat him down in my van and talked to him to see how he was handling the situation.

Greg may like splitting wood a bit much. He is amazing. All those push ups sure show. Addie was a trooper as always. That girl does not quit. No job is too big or hard for her and she stays until the end. Love her.

He's an ex-rodeo cowboy single man. He did great, I didn't get woosey cuz' I didn't look. I was more worried about him and all the kiddos. And trying to keep the situation calm and hear the spirit whisper. A friend had a very awesome first aid kit that he secured a great wrap from. We tightly taped the diaper with the wrap. He got a blessing with oil, which I am now carrying in my purse after 2x of needing it and not having it. I can be more prepared even in small ways. The two men loaded up in a pickup and headed to the hospital to get some extra care as the wound was not stopping bleeding in a quick enough fashion.

Just learned 3 hours have passed that the metal entered and exited his arm, not sure if it was just one sided flesh or went through the arm and out the other side. Nonetheless it will be okay. 
My friend's blood. A first as I don't remember having other people not in my family bleed on me. Oh well. All in a night's work.

It was exciting and calm. How thankful I am for the priesthood on so many levels. The men are such hard energetic workers, such humble kind men to take time to care for others, they thought to include so many kiddos to teach and work with them, and they were able to stop and refocus and bless and calm another. It was an awesome night.

1 comment:

  1. Wow, what a night. Way to be calm and handle the situation. Thanks for being a good example. We are still working away day by day here getting prepared. Love you guys and miss you. We are heading that way soon.
