Saturday, September 6, 2014

9.6.14 Triathalon

No I did not do a triathlon but 4 of my children did!! It was awesome. They are awesome and I was really proud of each one. IT is hard to realize as a kid that winning is good but completing is also an accomplishment.

Last week they brought home a flier announcing a kids triathlon this weekend. I checked the distances and they looked reasonable and the fee was not too high so we gave our permission. After a late night by Greg and Harold getting bikes in shape the kids were ready. I called Aunt Brenda who is an endurance pro and make a blah stomach friendly breakfast of peanut butter oatmeal and instructed the kids to drink and drink water to be prepared. We had a minor meltdown over who was riding what bike. But a gracious sister conceded and allowed a very sad brother to use her smaller bike and she used a bigger one.


The contestants ready and eager.

We were however almost to the deadline, of course, for registration. We were able to turn in our papers and the kids paid the entrance fee, from their summer money :). We got situated and dressed down and headed to the pool. It was a blur of activity from there. Harold was in group 1. Aliza and John in Group 2. And Mark in group 3. I tried to get pictures of each kiddo but they, as usual was too fast for me. Thank goodness they have each other.
Harold lining up for the swim portion. He was last here but made it through.

John almost done. He said this was the worst part.

John needing to do one more lap. It was so fun for these country kids to ride on the smooth town pavement.

Harold made up lots of time on the bike. He was first by quiet a ways. He had to wait as they figured out the running route. He was the first boy finisher. That costly wait cost him the win.

I didn't see Mark swim Addie was helping him get dressed as Reed checks out the action. It was busy.

Aliza coming in from the ride. She did well I had a hard time keeping up with which kid was where on the course. She was bummed that she was in a different group. But she completed the challenge with no prep and a lot of determination!

I hope this is done again as it was a great contest. The kids did not puke, although it seemed they might at a few different points. They did something new and they didn't give up or drown or die. It's good to do new things and it's good to be challenged past your limits and see you can do very hard things every time they come up. Way to go Kiddos!

A final note. It is very hard to not compare my public parenting to others. While I missed parts of each of their competitions I did keep track of Livy, and found all the required shoes that were tossed after 1/2 an hour, and did pack Millie through helping kiddos dress and figure out the course. It is hard to do these group events, but we did it. So just like my kids frustrated with not figuratively winning the good mom image because I was not  calm, collected, and casually visiting with others. I do get credit for not loosing anyone this time and helping the kids got the experience. Maybe next time it will be more ideal, or not.

1 comment:

  1. I've always loved your parenting! My kids run everywhere and I'm always chasing someone around I always just feel lucky we all leave an event together and alive. Then, once we get home, we are always so happy to be able to freely run again, stress free.
