Monday, February 1, 2016

2.1.16 Murmuring

Yesterday our Sunday school class had a very soul touching discussion on the problem of murmuring. It was particularly piercing as the teacher discussed the division murmuring causes in families. How it distracts the unity and blocks the happiness that can flow in a unified loving group.  One of the great hopes of the gospel of Jesus Christ is living in Heaven with God the Father in our family units.

Last week my grandfather died. We had an up and down relationship. I grew to appreciate this man, he was thrifty to the extreme and very gifted in his ability to find and know deals. It has been an interesting week of reflection. Being the oldest I had the longest interaction time with him. I went to the swap meets, and car shows and pawn shops. I remember the cars and the smoke and the barking at us kids to be good. I got lectured on clothing selections, and mine was the first grandchild temple wedding they attended.

He called with good grocery deals, and bought my kids much of their toy collection. He helped me furnish my home. He shared his knowledge of the weather and loved watching Dancing with the Stars!
 I watched him literally change his life. I watched him pay the price for smoking for 40+ years, I watched him become more loving, and more welcoming, and I saw the grace of God work in His life.
He's my first grandparent to die that was an active member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. I am sure he is enjoying Heaven. It's always a touching time to reflect on how key people touch our lives and add to the collection of characters who shape who we are.

What we found yesterday when waking the kids up from naps. Reed is a tender and terrible brother sometimes comforting and sometimes clobbering his sisters.

Millie is Liza's shadow. She was happy to share the highly coveted bean bag for naps yesterday.
She's also found skill in making popcorn. She loves to do things herself.  She's very proud of this picture!

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