Monday, February 29, 2016

2.29.16 Cub scout cake auction

Last week was the annual cake auction. It was a crazy busy church week so we didn't do anything really fun or creative. I only have so much to give and cake awesomeness just wasn't in the cards. We did 4 cakes and remembered our 2 pans of cornbread as per our assignment.

The angel food cake was a new creation here and so had to be checked for quality. The result made is unsaleable so we gave in and ate it. Yum! Reed declared it tasted like marshmallows!! I think it just tasted good. We also did 2 German chocolate and 1 cream filled white cake. I used cool whip for the frosting as we are out of butter and it's so expensive these days. I love how easy the cool whip was to use on the cake. spread nicely, colored easily and piped quickly and held it's shape. I would use it again for sure.

Mark also finally received his Wolfe badge. We are definitely loosing steam and lacking in the organization department for scouting. He finished the requirements a while ago and also earned a lot of arrow points. But we could never keep track of the book long enough to get the information transferred from our house to his leader. Oh well. Such is life these days.

Harold has the opportunity to serve as a den chief. Meaning he goes and helps the women leaders with the cub scouts every week. He is really enjoying this, and loves the double scouting adventures. He teaches knots, and plays games, and does whatever else the lady in charge asks of him. Each level of cub scouts has about 15 boys attending every week and most the leaders have babies under 6 months old so it can be wild times I'm sure.

My kids were most impressed with these cakes. Me too, way to go mom's and boys.

My hand ached for the women who piped all this frosting. Wowsers, but they were impressive

And unwrapping all those smarties. Cute idea.
Well this was the last cake auction. Our stake president banned any scout auctions from here on. Kinda sad and kinda happy about that. All good things come to pass and are replaced with better or different things. Now hopefully on to a slower week.

Tuesday, February 23, 2016

2.23.16 Helpers

I haven't cooked much since the rush of Christmas. I mean the normal 3 meals a day but nothing interesting. There's enough dishes and challenge in just keeping that routine going. But, Greg has been discreetly asking for something good, so last week we took the time to make cinnamon rolls. My old recipe of cinnamon rolls before I came across the pioneer woman's cheaper recipe. 

After the required hours of mixing, rising, rolling and baking they were done just in time for lunch. Reed suggested we eat any weird looking ones so dad didn't have to see them.... not many look weird. But he being the quality control guy polished off a few sharing with his cute sisters. They are so funny. Greg was busy with a big project so couldn't run home and we didn't go into town until a few hours and a whole pan had vanished. He got one. I did manage to get some in the freezer for later.

While I worked Afton of course played. She loves her cupboard and has a grand time crawling in and investigating. It's like a reusable box I guess! Someday she will probably marvel she was so small.

I've been realizing lately just letting children grow takes a long time. It's not just the 9 months of pregnancy or even the first year of slow independence but years of just slowly redundantly training them. Loving them, disciplining, reading the same books over and over, making the same macaroni and cheese or peanut butter sandwich again and again. But it's the slow safe environment that lets their brains and spirits grow. Some grow fast some grow slower as they enjoy childhood freedom more. It's hard and requires much sacrifice of self. Not just your body but your mind, your expectations for being on time, for efficiency and for accomplishment. It is sacrifice of most of your prior life to one that is slower, more repetitive and more nurturing. Yet I think if we can just hold our horses and ambitions the result is happy, peaceful kiddos. Kids that aren't always looking backwards. Kids that are ready to move on and kids that are capable! It's something I've just been noticing and piecing together now in my 14th year of children in my home. But I think as I'm seeing the effects of our choice for me to be home it is so important to just be. Be available, be calm-ish, be there- the olders need that comfort of mom being there too. I'm amazed at the conversations and comments I hear as they walk in the door. Things that don't come up again as they are washed away with hunger, homework, chores, responsibilities.

Mom's are pretty important not just for cleaning and cooking but for caring and comforting and teaching always teaching. Best to you today. 

Monday, February 22, 2016

2.22.16 Painting

This weekend we painted a lot of our house! I bought the paint over three years ago on one of the holiday sales. I have had big ambition but the reality of lots of not so helpful helpers and too many other things being higher on the priority list made it a far off dream. But I decided the time had come and we could accomplish this task if everyone was on deck helping. It was also motivating that when cleaning the walls we were down to dry wall and texture in many places. After 9 years of living here the paint had just been scrubbed/rubbed or chipped off by so many people and so much use!

I got paint testers earlier in the week and picked a color but then forgot to take the right can back with me to get that color, so we guessed. I gave instructions to the kids as to who was responsible for what for the weekend and we got into the prepping. That is the worst part I think because you just want to see what the paint will look like on the wall but if the walls are ready then it will look bad. We scrubbed, patched, caulked, sanded, and cleaned some more. Anna and Harold were my assistants. They taped and sanded and washed. It was so great to work with them. I found they work for a song. We listened to hours of Pandora this weekend. Which really was ok. I like music and I love being able to select the kind of music I want to listen to. I listen to Oklahoma Broadway musical type stuff with a mix of 1950-1960 era songs, and some Adele thrown in. Fun to sing along and hear them getting a taste of some different songs than are currently on the radio. They like Lindsey Sterling radio but I can only take that for so long.

We finally got down to painting and man were they awesome!!! We started with the white ceiling and trim. My arms are still quivery from all the rolling but it was nice to switch off. It looks so nice. The next day we did the walls. I'm so thankful for all the instruction cousin Garrett gave those 9 years ago on how to paint. I'm definitely not as good as him but we got a good look going and now I just have some more wall to patch- our house has some structural issues I'm not ready to dive into but will have to be addressed in the not too distant future.

My eager beaver. She wanted to paint so badly. On the second day I had some big wall areas I let her do, along with all the floor board she could handle. While I was talking to my sister she took it upon herself to do some of the upper walls between the windows and the ceiling. This got a lot of brown paint on our new white painted trim...I got the brown off along with a fair measure of not cured white paint.  I sure wish this tiger would just do what is assigned and not roar ahead to what should clearly be out of her reach.

Our house went to pot but it was put mostly back in order as the walls had sufficient drying time. It was a nice weekend and Aliza graciously and willingly played and played outside with the little girls. The middle boys washed dishes, pulled posts, and stayed out doors lest they too be put to work on house stuff. It worked well that everyone had a task and could do so many different task. Monday is such a bittersweet day. Nice to rest from the busy weekend and sad to see my team disperse.

Finished project. Mark and Reed replaced covers while we made dinner that night. It was so great to see each kid step in and do a part. When we moved in I did a lot of this myself and I know how much work this is. This time while I am sore I am mostly just grateful for all the helpers in my home. Now to scrub the paint off the floor and windows but that sounds like a good consequence for poor choices these next few weeks. Best to you today.

Thursday, February 11, 2016

2.11.16 monster in my house

We have a baby monster in our house. She loves to empty cupboards and drawers then put her self in them. She loves to remove things. She will occasionally put a piece or two back but gets mad if we replace the items before she is done exploring. We found if we place heavy buckets in front of the drawers and doors she can't access the supplies inside. But then we move them or try to create a pathway and happily she is back exploring the cupboard again. This makes cooking a bit of an obstacle course but safer than her removing glassware and having plastic to slip on.

She also loves to play in drawers. If she can get her itty bitty fingers in the crack she opens the drawer and removes the clothes then has fun sitting in the drawer. She is so proud of her work!

I think the hardest part of a large family is the continual rewind. Always repeating the lesson and stages again and again. Trying to cover the base you already covered and remembering when instruction needs to happen and that these moments are just small phases and they will pass. Therefore- not banning everyone to out of doors because things are always out of drawers! Maybe this is why I gave up on folding clothes. I think I may be the only mom who doesn't bother with that. Oh well. I'm sure my children's spouses will judge me as lazy. Oh well. They will just have to live with their own baby monsters to learn why it is such a waste of time.

Monday, February 8, 2016

2.5.16 daddy daughter dance

The annual daddy daughter dance happened this week. The girls look forward to this with great excitement!
We have some strict age limits here and Millie was very sad to not be going to the dance. I think it is important to have things to look forward too and not experience everything when you are young. And it's important for dad to be able to interact and dance with those he takes. So we had a pouty Millie & Livy but their day will come before too long!

Addie loves being big enough to go and danced a lot more this year. Her good friend was there with her dad too, they had a good time.
Aliza revived from her bout with the flu in time to go dance. These girls are growing up so fast. They are a pleasure to have in our home. We sure are thankful our dad is such a talented dancer and juggler of lots of girls! Happy love week to you.

Saturday, February 6, 2016

2.6.16 making lemoncurd

My great aunt is a professional chef with her own cooking school (can find on YouTube. Sizzleworks lemon curd!). She lived all over the world while her husband pursued a career in the navy. After his retirement she put all that knowledge and experience to work in the form of a school. I am privleged to get promotional emails from her school. One of those included a video which gave instruction for making lemoncurd. My little girls viewed it with me several times.
Over breakfast this morning my grandmother and I were discussing how much fun it would be to go to a cooking class. I also remembered I had been gifted some large lemons that I wasn't sure how to use. This this evening after reviewing the video and determining we had all the ingredients we made lemon curd.

 All set to zest with the microplane. Actually I did most of that the plane is very sharp.

 Whisking the egg yolk. I think our fresh eggs were medium and we should have used two. But oh what lovely lemon curd they make.
 Watching the video again to double check butter amounts. Livy asked several times if we could stop and smell the lemon? From the video! We did, fresh lemon is invigorating.
 Adding the butter. Reed was in charge of this part and watching it cook in microwave.
Juicing our warm lemon.
It worked well in the microwave. We make a lemon sponge cake with lemon curd added to sweet whip cream in between the layers. Yum!! We all agreed we like it more mellow with cream. But again our lemons were large and eggs smaller. All in all a fun culinary experience with my little crew.

Thursday, February 4, 2016

2.4.16 teaching children

Afton has been in our home for over a year now! She is a constant source of fun and love. The older kids are taking very seriously their responsibility to teach her how to be a kid! From blowing out the birthday candle to being cute she is well instructed and naturally talented.

She was very impressed with that small light all her own. She didn't touch and it took some stern commands to keep the older kids from extinguishing it too soon. She loves chocolate and thought the cake was a great end to her day!!

Because she has very busy days! Her current favorite pass time is unloading the book shelf. Greg left a tool box close enough to the shelf that she climbs up on it, and then can reach all the top shelf books. This is why I cleaned out a lot of the traditional toys from our house. More often than not the kids are found in the people stuff. My stash of plastic spoons and cups, the bookshelves, drawers etc. They love to unload and remove! Millie of course is managing the situation making sure Afton is thorough in her efforts.

Livy came along to make sure the books Afton couldn't reach were cleared and to get in the picture. Learned from Addie who always does the side pose.

This early morning  Harold was playing with Afton while she ate her eggs. She loves that brother. He is fun, creative, and kind with her. She is so happy when he comes home. And always game for whatever he wants to play with her.

And Livy with her newest book. She loves to read and spends much time each day studying books! We love our thinking Livy. A vendor at the farm show upon watching Millie and Livy observed that Livy studies before she acts and Millie acts without reserve. That explains Livy hesitating and then making a tremendous splash! And Millie being so willing to do what is asked. Interesting the insights that come from all different sources.
Well to end this report the younger chidlren are making rapid progress learning to be kids and living with a purpose! They have mastered mess making and charming smiles and giggles. They are a blessing to us older people. We love their hugs and snuggles, and we are thankful to have these bundles of energy in our life teaching us how to love and learn. 

Wednesday, February 3, 2016

2.3.16 circle of life

We buried another grandparent yesterday. It was blessedly sunshiney and tolerable at the cemetery. This time of year you never know how terrible it will be outside. My brothers and brothers-in-law and two special friends were the pall bearers. The roses on the casket were in honor of my grandfathers ability to grow roses. He had an amazing rose garden.

The service was very nice. There were many beautiful songs and inspiring messages about how far he had come in his life. His was a great example of the power of the atonement and the ability to change.

After the funeral and burial we had a lovely lunch provided by the ward members. The M &M's set at each place were a hit with the kids. After filling up on candy and lunch they were ready to play! The cousins love getting together. While we are sparse on teenagers thus far we have a lot in the under 5 crowd.

The comment I kept hearing from the adults was well I guess we are next. We bury our parents, then I guess we are next in line!"- coming from 50 & 60 year olds. However, I guess in the actual line of events that may be the case, but it is hopefully in the far future. There is a lot of life to be lived and a lot of memories to be made. The next thing those same people would say is how thankful they were for their families and grandchildren. How comforting it is to see the family continue on. It is a marvel how far the generations stretch when you consider how far back the grandparent knew and how far these children will know.

My grandmother who died last year would teach the kids:
"When the bumble bee comes out of the barn he lights and goes buzz!" then she would gently poke their bellies and buzz. They babies love it. She learned that from her grandmother who was born before the civil war. My children will take that little memory and rhyme into their future and who knows how far that will be.

I'm thankful for the blessing it has been in my life to know the generations. I knew my great great grandparents. I remember them vaguely. My kids know these great grandparents and most will remember then pretty clearly. Many traditions were established by long family history. Long family history ties us together through the ages. I'm thankful for the children that continue our family and I'm thankful for the lessons I learned from those that have now passed on. Celebrations of life are a good time to take stock of where I'm headed and how I'm getting there. Best to you today.

Tuesday, February 2, 2016

2.2.16 farm show

The annual farm show is a huge event for my children. They look forward to this day as the next big thing after Christmas! They love the time with dad and grandpa, they are happy to miss school, and enjoy the variety of informational exhibits as well as all the candy and sitting in tractors and quads.

Our daddy tree. HE is so strong and patient. The one in front dies for dad time, the one in back just loves being carried around.

Always camera shy but enjoying the show none the less.

Mark inherited these tall boots from a friend. He looks quite stylin' in his cowboy attire. His dad is  amazing at answering all of his questions. They talk and talk about the farm show experience.

And Reed decided to protect his haul in his coat. I was seriously amazed at how much these kiddos procured. John was the winner though, out of my sight he toured the show about 11 times and got almost a full bag of candy. Not sure how a tall red headed kid could be so discreet but he enjoyed his loot for quite some time after.

Monday, February 1, 2016

2.1.16 Murmuring

Yesterday our Sunday school class had a very soul touching discussion on the problem of murmuring. It was particularly piercing as the teacher discussed the division murmuring causes in families. How it distracts the unity and blocks the happiness that can flow in a unified loving group.  One of the great hopes of the gospel of Jesus Christ is living in Heaven with God the Father in our family units.

Last week my grandfather died. We had an up and down relationship. I grew to appreciate this man, he was thrifty to the extreme and very gifted in his ability to find and know deals. It has been an interesting week of reflection. Being the oldest I had the longest interaction time with him. I went to the swap meets, and car shows and pawn shops. I remember the cars and the smoke and the barking at us kids to be good. I got lectured on clothing selections, and mine was the first grandchild temple wedding they attended.

He called with good grocery deals, and bought my kids much of their toy collection. He helped me furnish my home. He shared his knowledge of the weather and loved watching Dancing with the Stars!
 I watched him literally change his life. I watched him pay the price for smoking for 40+ years, I watched him become more loving, and more welcoming, and I saw the grace of God work in His life.
He's my first grandparent to die that was an active member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. I am sure he is enjoying Heaven. It's always a touching time to reflect on how key people touch our lives and add to the collection of characters who shape who we are.

What we found yesterday when waking the kids up from naps. Reed is a tender and terrible brother sometimes comforting and sometimes clobbering his sisters.

Millie is Liza's shadow. She was happy to share the highly coveted bean bag for naps yesterday.
She's also found skill in making popcorn. She loves to do things herself.  She's very proud of this picture!