Monday, February 8, 2016

2.5.16 daddy daughter dance

The annual daddy daughter dance happened this week. The girls look forward to this with great excitement!
We have some strict age limits here and Millie was very sad to not be going to the dance. I think it is important to have things to look forward too and not experience everything when you are young. And it's important for dad to be able to interact and dance with those he takes. So we had a pouty Millie & Livy but their day will come before too long!

Addie loves being big enough to go and danced a lot more this year. Her good friend was there with her dad too, they had a good time.
Aliza revived from her bout with the flu in time to go dance. These girls are growing up so fast. They are a pleasure to have in our home. We sure are thankful our dad is such a talented dancer and juggler of lots of girls! Happy love week to you.

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