Tuesday, February 23, 2016

2.23.16 Helpers

I haven't cooked much since the rush of Christmas. I mean the normal 3 meals a day but nothing interesting. There's enough dishes and challenge in just keeping that routine going. But, Greg has been discreetly asking for something good, so last week we took the time to make cinnamon rolls. My old recipe of cinnamon rolls before I came across the pioneer woman's cheaper recipe. 

After the required hours of mixing, rising, rolling and baking they were done just in time for lunch. Reed suggested we eat any weird looking ones so dad didn't have to see them.... not many look weird. But he being the quality control guy polished off a few sharing with his cute sisters. They are so funny. Greg was busy with a big project so couldn't run home and we didn't go into town until a few hours and a whole pan had vanished. He got one. I did manage to get some in the freezer for later.

While I worked Afton of course played. She loves her cupboard and has a grand time crawling in and investigating. It's like a reusable box I guess! Someday she will probably marvel she was so small.

I've been realizing lately just letting children grow takes a long time. It's not just the 9 months of pregnancy or even the first year of slow independence but years of just slowly redundantly training them. Loving them, disciplining, reading the same books over and over, making the same macaroni and cheese or peanut butter sandwich again and again. But it's the slow safe environment that lets their brains and spirits grow. Some grow fast some grow slower as they enjoy childhood freedom more. It's hard and requires much sacrifice of self. Not just your body but your mind, your expectations for being on time, for efficiency and for accomplishment. It is sacrifice of most of your prior life to one that is slower, more repetitive and more nurturing. Yet I think if we can just hold our horses and ambitions the result is happy, peaceful kiddos. Kids that aren't always looking backwards. Kids that are ready to move on and kids that are capable! It's something I've just been noticing and piecing together now in my 14th year of children in my home. But I think as I'm seeing the effects of our choice for me to be home it is so important to just be. Be available, be calm-ish, be there- the olders need that comfort of mom being there too. I'm amazed at the conversations and comments I hear as they walk in the door. Things that don't come up again as they are washed away with hunger, homework, chores, responsibilities.

Mom's are pretty important not just for cleaning and cooking but for caring and comforting and teaching always teaching. Best to you today. 

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