Monday, February 29, 2016

2.29.16 Cub scout cake auction

Last week was the annual cake auction. It was a crazy busy church week so we didn't do anything really fun or creative. I only have so much to give and cake awesomeness just wasn't in the cards. We did 4 cakes and remembered our 2 pans of cornbread as per our assignment.

The angel food cake was a new creation here and so had to be checked for quality. The result made is unsaleable so we gave in and ate it. Yum! Reed declared it tasted like marshmallows!! I think it just tasted good. We also did 2 German chocolate and 1 cream filled white cake. I used cool whip for the frosting as we are out of butter and it's so expensive these days. I love how easy the cool whip was to use on the cake. spread nicely, colored easily and piped quickly and held it's shape. I would use it again for sure.

Mark also finally received his Wolfe badge. We are definitely loosing steam and lacking in the organization department for scouting. He finished the requirements a while ago and also earned a lot of arrow points. But we could never keep track of the book long enough to get the information transferred from our house to his leader. Oh well. Such is life these days.

Harold has the opportunity to serve as a den chief. Meaning he goes and helps the women leaders with the cub scouts every week. He is really enjoying this, and loves the double scouting adventures. He teaches knots, and plays games, and does whatever else the lady in charge asks of him. Each level of cub scouts has about 15 boys attending every week and most the leaders have babies under 6 months old so it can be wild times I'm sure.

My kids were most impressed with these cakes. Me too, way to go mom's and boys.

My hand ached for the women who piped all this frosting. Wowsers, but they were impressive

And unwrapping all those smarties. Cute idea.
Well this was the last cake auction. Our stake president banned any scout auctions from here on. Kinda sad and kinda happy about that. All good things come to pass and are replaced with better or different things. Now hopefully on to a slower week.

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