Thursday, February 4, 2016

2.4.16 teaching children

Afton has been in our home for over a year now! She is a constant source of fun and love. The older kids are taking very seriously their responsibility to teach her how to be a kid! From blowing out the birthday candle to being cute she is well instructed and naturally talented.

She was very impressed with that small light all her own. She didn't touch and it took some stern commands to keep the older kids from extinguishing it too soon. She loves chocolate and thought the cake was a great end to her day!!

Because she has very busy days! Her current favorite pass time is unloading the book shelf. Greg left a tool box close enough to the shelf that she climbs up on it, and then can reach all the top shelf books. This is why I cleaned out a lot of the traditional toys from our house. More often than not the kids are found in the people stuff. My stash of plastic spoons and cups, the bookshelves, drawers etc. They love to unload and remove! Millie of course is managing the situation making sure Afton is thorough in her efforts.

Livy came along to make sure the books Afton couldn't reach were cleared and to get in the picture. Learned from Addie who always does the side pose.

This early morning  Harold was playing with Afton while she ate her eggs. She loves that brother. He is fun, creative, and kind with her. She is so happy when he comes home. And always game for whatever he wants to play with her.

And Livy with her newest book. She loves to read and spends much time each day studying books! We love our thinking Livy. A vendor at the farm show upon watching Millie and Livy observed that Livy studies before she acts and Millie acts without reserve. That explains Livy hesitating and then making a tremendous splash! And Millie being so willing to do what is asked. Interesting the insights that come from all different sources.
Well to end this report the younger chidlren are making rapid progress learning to be kids and living with a purpose! They have mastered mess making and charming smiles and giggles. They are a blessing to us older people. We love their hugs and snuggles, and we are thankful to have these bundles of energy in our life teaching us how to love and learn. 

1 comment:

  1. I just love Livvy's curls. Happy Birthday to darling Afton and Millie is just so sweet!
